This page provides the evidence of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Porirua City Council (PCC) and Transpower New Zealand Limited called in support of the applications lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for the Transmission Gully Proposal heard in February 2012.

Evidence in chief

This evidence in chief was supplied to the EPA on 18 November 2011.

Party / Applicant Witness Topic Download
NZTA Rod James NZTA’s regional state highway manager PDF [PDF, 253 KB]
NZTA & PCC Craig Nicholson Principal project manager – Transmission Gully PDF [PDF, 399 KB]
PCC Peter Bailey The PCC Link Roads PDF [PDF, 323 KB]
NZTA, PCC & Transpower Miria Pomare Cultural effects PDF [PDF, 362 KB]
NZTA & PCC Peter McCombs Strategic transport issues PDF [PDF, 366 KB]
NZTA & PCC Mike Copeland Economics PDF [PDF, 250 KB]
PCC Moira Lawler Community development PDF [PDF, 277 KB]
NZTA & PCC Andrea Rickard Planning – NORs resource consent applications and AEE preparation PDF [PDF, 204 KB]
NZTA & PCC Pathmanathan Brabhaharan Geology and geotechnical engineering PDF [PDF, 2.4 MB]
NZTA & PCC Pathmanathan Brabhaharan Geology and geotechnical engineering - Appendices PDF [PDF, 6.2 MB]
NZTA & PCC Mark Edwards Project design and construction PDF [PDF, 970 KB]
NZTA & PCC Lynne Hancock Urban design PDF [PDF, 588 KB]
Transpower Lesley Hopkins Planning – transmission line design and resource consent applications PDF [PDF, 2.7 MB]
Transpower Helen Yorke Transmission line engineering PDF [PDF, 2.8 MB]
Transpower Jon Mason Transmission line construction PDF [PDF, 3.9 MB]
NZTA & PCC Tim Kelly Transportation and traffic PDF [PDF, 599 KB]
NZTA & PCC Craig Martell Hydrology PDF [PDF, 608 KB]
NZTA & PCC Andrew Gough Erosion and sediment control PDF [PDF, 492 KB]
NZTA & PCC Michelle Malcolm Water quality PDF [PDF, 942 KB]
NZTA & PCC Colin Roberts Porirua harbour modelling PDF [PDF, 5.8 MB]
NZTA & PCC Dalice Sim Probability of coincident rainfall and wind event during construction PDF [PDF, 303 KB]
NZTA & PCC Vaughan Keesing Freshwater ecology PDF [PDF, 2 MB]
NZTA & PCC Sharon de Luca Marine ecology PDF [PDF, 303 KB]
NZTA & PCC Sharon de Luca Marine ecology – Appendices PDF [PDF, 8.7 MB]
NZTA, PCC & Transpower Stephen Fuller Terrestrial ecology PDF [PDF, 1.7 MB]
NZTA, PCC & Transpower Mary O’Keeffe Archaeology PDF [PDF, 148 KB]
NZTA, PCC & Transpower Ian Bowman Built heritage PDF [PDF, 272 KB]
NZTA & PCC Terre Maize Contaminated land PDF [PDF, 112 KB]
NZTA & PCC Stephen Chiles Acoustics assessment PDF [PDF, 119 KB]
NZTA & PCC Gavin Fisher Air quality PDF [PDF, 627 KB]
NZTA, PCC & Transpower Gavin Lister Landscape and visual PDF [PDF, 229 KB]
NZTA, PCC & Transpower Gary Rae Social effect PDF [PDF, 801 KB]
Transpower Lesley Hopkins Planning - assessment of effects and statutory analysis PDF [PDF, 2.3 MB]
NZTA & PCC Andrea Rickard Planning - assessment of effects and statutory analysis PDF [PDF, 320 KB]

Rebuttal evidence

This rebuttal evidence was supplied to the EPA on 20 January 2012.

Party / Applicant Witness Topic Download
NZTA & PCC Craig Nicholson Principal project manager – Transmission Gully PDF [PDF, 1 MB]
PCC Peter Bailey The PCC Link Roads PDF [PDF, 1.4 MB]
NZTA & PCC Peter McCombs Strategic transport issues PDF [PDF, 415 KB]
NZTA & PCC Mike Copeland Economics PDF [PDF, 264 KB]
NZTA & PCC Pathmanathan Brabhaharan Geology and geotechnical engineering PDF [PDF, 1.6 MB]
NZTA & PCC Pathmanathan Brabhaharan Geology and geotechnical engineering - Appendix PDF [PDF, 3.4 MB]
NZTA & PCC Mark Edwards Project design and construction PDF [PDF, 400 KB]
NZTA & PCC Lynne Hancock Urban design PDF [PDF, 225 KB]
Transpower Helen Yorke Transmission line engineering PDF [PDF, 1.4 MB]
NZTA & PCC Tim Kelly Transportation and traffic PDF [PDF, 973 KB]
NZTA & PCC Craig Martell Hydrology PDF [PDF, 485 KB]
NZTA & PCC Andrew Gough Erosion and sediment control PDF [PDF, 378 KB]
NZTA & PCC Michelle Malcolm Water quality PDF [PDF, 523 KB]
NZTA & PCC Tim Fisher Water quality and erosion and sediment control PDF [PDF, 649 KB]
NZTA & PCC Colin Roberts Porirua harbour modelling PDF [PDF, 321 KB]
NZTA & PCC Vaughan Keesing Freshwater ecology PDF [PDF, 528 KB]
NZTA & PCC Sharon de Luca Marine ecology PDF [PDF, 3.7 MB]
NZTA & PCC & Transpower Stephen Fuller Terrestrial ecology PDF [PDF, 4.9 MB]
NZTA & PCC Leigh Bull Avifauna PDF [PDF, 1.4 MB]
NZTA, PCC & Transpower Ian Bowman Built heritage PDF [PDF, 1.3 MB]
NZTA & PCC Terre Maize Contaminated land PDF [PDF, 587 KB]
NZTA & PCC Stephen Chiles Acoustics assessment PDF [PDF, 227 KB]
NZTA & PCC Gavin Fisher Air quality PDF [PDF, 876 KB]
NZTA, PCC & Transpower Gavin Lister Landscape and visual PDF [PDF, 1.3 MB]
NZTA, PCC & Transpower Gavin Lister Landscape and visual - Appendix A (low resolution) PDF [PDF, 937 KB]
NZTA, PCC & Transpower Gary Rae Social effect PDF [PDF, 583 KB]
Transpower Lesley Hopkins Planning - assessment of effects and statutory analysis PDF [PDF, 720 KB]
NZTA & PCC Andrea Rickard Planning - assessment of effects and statutory analysis PDF [PDF, 2.3 MB]
NZTA & PCC Craig Martell Second rebuttal evidence: Hydrology (16 Feb 2012) PDF [PDF, 467 KB]
NZTA & PCC Vaughan Keesing Second rebuttal evidence: Freshwater ecology (15 Feb 2012) PDF [PDF, 435 KB]
NZTA & PCC Michelle Malcolm Second rebuttal evidence: Water quality (16 Feb 2012) PDF [PDF, 3.4 MB]
NZTA & PCC Andrew Gough Second rebuttal evidence: Erosion and sediment control (16 Feb 2012) PDF [PDF, 6.9 MB]
NZTA & PCC Tim Fisher Second rebuttal evidence: Water quality and erosion and sediment control (16 Feb 2012) PDF [PDF, 471 KB]
NZTA & PCC & Transpower Stephen Fuller Second rebuttal evidence: Terrestrial ecology (20 Feb 2012) PDF [PDF, 1.7 MB]

Supplementary evidence

Supplementary evidence has been lodged with Board.

Party / Applicant Witness Topic Date lodged Download
NZTA & PCC Stephen Chiles Supplementary evidence: acoustics assessment 10 Feb 2012 PDF [PDF, 2.2 MB]
NZTA & PCC Andrea Rickard Supplementary evidence: planning 13 Feb 2012 PDF [PDF, 2.7 MB]
Transpower Lesley Hopkins Supplementary evidence: planning – transmission line design and resource consent applications 15 Feb 2012 PDF [PDF, 465 KB]
NZTA & PCC Tim Kelly Supplementary evidence: transportation and traffic 20 Feb 2012 PDF [PDF, 327 KB]
PCC Peter Bailey Supplementary evidence: the PCC Link Roads 20 Feb 2012 PDF [PDF, 102 KB]
NZTA & PCC Andrea Rickard Second supplementary evidence: planning 21 Feb 2012 PDF [PDF, 5.4 MB]
NZTA & PCC Dr Dalice Sim Supplmentary evidence: probability of coincident rainfall and wind event during construction 23 Feb 2012 PDF [PDF, 648 KB]
NZTA & PCC Stephen Chiles Second supplementary evidence: acoustics assessment 2 Mar 2012 PDF [PDF, 129 KB]

The evidence of other parties was provided to the EPA on 21 December 2011 and is available on the EPA website. The EPA website also provides details of all other hearing-related matters including the hearing programme.

Transmission Gully EPA applications and information(external link)