
The Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Traffic control devices manual (TCD manual) provides guidance on industry good practice, including, where necessary, practice mandated by law. The structure of the TCD manual comprises 10 parts as well as three supporting specifications documents and two documents for definitions and references. The suite of documents comprising the TCD manual is shown in Table A.

Table A

Each part has been developed under the guidance of a representative working group of practitioners experienced in, and having specific knowledge about, the subject. The working group practitioners are representative of the intended users of the TCD manual. Interested practitioners and affected organisations were given the opportunity to comment on drafts and have their input incorporated appropriately in the final document.

The working group for Part 5 of the TCD manual included representatives of local government, Waka Kotahi and industry. 

The TCD manual will only be published electronically.

Traffic control devices manual - full suite of documents

Relationships with other documents

The Traffic control devices manual will support and reference:

Each part will attempt to provide a broad coverage of the subject but avoid duplicating major elements of referenced documents, preferring to direct readers to the source.

The Traffic control devices manual will, on completion, replace the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (formerly Transit New Zealand and Land Transport New Zealand’s) publication manual of traffic signs and markings (MOTSAM).

Table A: Planned structure of Traffic control devices manual

Part Title Outline of content – may vary as the manual develops
  Sign specifications Detailed descriptions of traffic signs including dimensions, colour and layout
  Traffic signal specifications Detailed descriptions of permitted traffic signal displays and dimensions and colours of signal aspects
  Marking specifications Detailed descriptions of road markings, including dimensions, colours and layout
1 General requirements for signs Purposes of traffic signs and their legal foundation
Materials and construction
General design principles – size, lettering, legends
Installation – location, mounting heights, etc.
2 Direction, service and general guidance signs Route signing, including state highways, regional roads, bypasses, detours, scenic routes, etc.
Street name signing, including design and location
Services signing policy, application and design
Tourist signing
General information signs, eg public amenities, features
3 Advertising signs Design and location principles
Policies for billboards and other forms of roadside advertising
4 Traffic control devices for general use - for intersections Treatments for intersections, including options for traffic control, advance-warning, etc.
5 Traffic control devices for general use - between intersections Treatments between intersections, including delineation, curves, passing facilities, steep grades, etc.
6 Speed management (Now Speed Management Guide) Published as the Speed management guide and Speed management toolbox; content includes:
Safe system approach to speed
Signs and markings for speed limits
Temporary and variable speed limits
Local area traffic management
7 Parking Control (formerly Part 13) Legal framework - implications and responsibilities
Design considerations and elements
Linear and zone parking treatments
Parking furniture, eg meters, vending machines
8 Code of practice for temporary traffic management Code of practice for temporary traffic management (COPTTM) and local body supplement
9 Level crossings Responsibilities for level crossings
Risk assessment (ALCAM)
Signs, markings and other design considerations for active or passive controls and for pedestrians, cycles, heavy motor vehicles
Types of control - passive or active
10 Motorways and expressways Specific signing and marking requirements for motorways and expressways
13 Parking control Refer to content described under Part 7 above. The next version of Part 13 will be renumbered as Part 7
  Definitions Definitions of terms used throughout the TCD manual
  References All documents referenced throughout the TCD manual

Record of amendments

Amendment number Description of change Effective date Updated by