Project introduction

New traffic signals will make it easier and safer for people to get to the shops, local businesses, school and community facilities across the highway and rail line and strengthen community connections between east and west Tinwald.

  • Project type

    Road improvements
  • Project status


Project updates

Project officially complete
Tinwald goes red, green and amber
Media release,
Tinwald traffic signals switched on
March update - what's coming up
Working ramping up for 2024

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Connecting the community and making it easier to get around Tinwald

The business case for the Tinwald Corridor Improvements was completed in 2021, and the detailed design was completed this year. The construction work is starting from mid-2023 and is expected to go through to early 2024.

Waka Kotahi is delivering this project as part of the New Zealand Upgrade Programme, which will provide more travel choices and help people get where they’re going safely.

New Zealand Upgrade Programme – Canterbury package

  • Project benefits

    The upgrade to the SH1/Lagmhor Road/Agnes Street intersection and adjacent streets will make it safer and easier for people in Tinwald to cross between east and west residential areas – in cars, walking or by bike. It will also mean crossing and getting on and off the highway is easier at peak travel times.

    Improved facilities for cyclists and pedestrians will make it safer and easier for people from west Tinwald to visit local shops and businesses, instead of travelling to Ashburton, as many do now.

    The project design also supports the wider transport network (agriculture, industry, freight and rail requirements), accommodates growth to the south of Tinwald and starts to establish the travel routes and connections which will include Ashburton's second urban bridge in the long-term.

  • Project features
    • Traffic from the Lake Hood area will be encouraged to use McMurdo Street and the traffic signals at Agnes Street as the safest route for turning right onto the highway.

    • The northbound state highway right turn bay into Graham Street will be widened, and right turns will still be possible out of Graham Street with some additional gaps provided from the new signals at Agnes Street.

    • Agnes and Thomson Street will be promoted as the safest route to Tinwald Primary School.

    • Changes to Melcombe Street will create a safer cycle route to the Ashburton River Bridge and the rail viaduct. Three raised safety platforms will be installed with cyclist separator strips.

    • The current northbound highway cycle lane will be removed and the centre flush median widened to make right turns from local streets easier and safer.

  • Details of planned work


    Description of upgrades


    SH1 / Agnes Street / Lagmhor Road intersection

    Installation of traffic signals, footpaths and landscape planting.

    Under way

    Lagmhor Road

    Road widening, a new footpath and new road markings.

    Under way

    Melcombe Street

    New footpath, three raised safety platforms and cyclist separator strips.

    Under way

    State Highway 1

    Widened centre median, a right-turn bay into Graham Street and a right turn bay into Manchester Street.

    Under way

    Viaduct (Carters Terrace)

    Two-way shared path, pedestrian crossing and a raised safety platform.

    Under way

    Agnes Street

    New shared path that will be promoted as the safe route to Tinwald Primary School



Public engagement

During April 2021, we asked the public for feedback about proposed changes to the SH1 corridor through Tinwald.

This feedback was assessed, and further analysis was undertaken.

Some key changes include removing the proposed raised safety platform at the signalised intersection, refining the intersection and signal design, better provision for pedestrians and cyclists to get to school and along Melcombe Street and under the rail viaduct through to the Ashburton River Bridge.

Engagement summary report [PDF, 936 KB]   

View online feedback(external link)

More recently (in 2022) the design for the Melcombe Street viaduct has been adjusted, in that all turning movements will be retained at this location. This change addresses concerns that turning restrictions would contribute to increased traffic at Comptons Crossing, the rail level crossing mid-way between Lagmhor Road and the viaduct.

SH1 Tinwald corridor improvements NZ Upgrade logo