Overall project map: Sections 1–4

Route map.

Section 2: St Johns Road to Ōrākei Basin

Section 2: St Johns Road to Ōrākei Basin map

Design details

Cross sections

Detailed information

Information about the alignment of the path, bridges and boardwalk, the location of lighting and rest areas and the planting:

Purewa Road construction work - pedestrian access maps

Stage 1: 25–28 October 2022
Temporary adjustment on the northern footpath, pedestrians will be directed through the worksite for one week while the current pathway is altered to suit the second stage.
Stage 1 map [PDF, 541 KB]

Stage 2: 28 October – 7 December 2022
Pedestrians remain on the northern footpath, in the same location as currently. This allows work to be completed on the southern side of Purewa road in front of the new development building.
Stage 2 map [PDF, 522 KB]

Section 4: Ōrākei Basin to Tāmaki Drive

Section 4: Ōrākei Basin to Tāmaki Drive map