Section 2: St Johns Road to Ōrākei Basin

In September 2018, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport sought feedback on the proposed design for Section 2. The consultation attracted 293 submissions. We used the feedback to help us finalise the design.

Public feedback summary report [PDF, 3.2 MB]
Design details for Section 2 [PDF, 3.6 MB]

Section 3: Ōrākei Basin boardwalk

Waka Kotahi and Auckland Transport undertook two rounds of community consultation about a replacement balustrade for Section 3 of the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path between September and December 2018.

Following the second round of feedback the design and materials of a replacement balustrade for the Ōrākei Basin boardwalk was selected.

Artist#039;s impression of the balustrade.

Waka Kotahi installed the new balustrade and completed the widening and resurfacing of the boardwalk in July 2019.

Public feedback summary report – round one [PDF, 2.2 MB]
Public feedback summary report – round two [PDF, 199 KB]

Section 4: Ōrākei Basin to Tāmaki Drive

We sought feedback on the preferred route for Section 4 in 2017, and received a good support for the preferred route.

We received many suggestions and are using this to inform the specimen design and will share the design with the community for feedback when complete.

Public feedback summary report [PDF, 1.4 MB]