Before minutes of meetings of the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Board are made publicly available, they are:

  • confirmed and ratified as a true and correct record of the board meeting at a subsequent standard board meeting
  • checked to determine if any content needs to be withheld
  • approved for publication (with or without redaction, as considered appropriate).

The time taken to complete the noted steps and process will depend on:

  • when the subsequent board meeting occurs
  • the range of subject matter covered by the minutes in question
  • who needs to be consulted and/or advised, prior to publication.

Please note the versions of the minutes of board meetings made available on this page may have had content redacted on the basis of one or more ground available for withholding information under the Official Information Act 1982.

For further information please email

Find out about the board’s recent investment decisions

2024 board meeting minutes

Past minutes of the meeting