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Research Report 701 Safety interventions and their contribution to mode shift

Published: | Category: Healthy and safe people , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The research set out to understand which safety interventions (if any) were the most effective in encouraging mode shift.

There is evidence that some safety interventions, particularly in relation to cycling, walking and public transport, can contribute to mode shift.

The report recommends that future transport strategies for New Zealand including road safety strategies should address a wider range of harms (including road safety, slips/trips/falls and personal security) and the consequent update of action steps and the funding framework.

There are also recommendations to support improved decisions based on data gathering and integration, monitoring and evaluation.

behaviour, mode shift, safety, transport

JA Thomas, WSP, Napier
LA Malcolm, WSP, Lower Hutt
D Cooper, WSP, Lower Hutt
T Cross, WSP, Wellington
L Cai, WSP, Wellington
F Thomas, WSP, Lower Hutt
B Frith, WSP, Lower Hutt

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: November 2022
  • Reference: 701
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-99-004492-2