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Tirohanga whānui kaupapa – project introduction

Multiple significant weather-related slips closed SH1 Mangamuka Gorge in August 2022. NZTA is working at pace to keep people moving on the Far North roading network now and in the future. We’re aiming to create reliable and safe roads which will better withstand weather events.

  • Project type

    Road maintenance
  • Project status


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Te mapi – project map

SH1 Mangamuka Gorge slip repairs

A programme of works to repair the 15 critical slips along SH1 Mangamuka Gorge is underway, following $100M of funding announced at the end of 2022 and a construction contract awarded in late-February 2023.

Weather events throughout 2023 caused additional slips within the site area, adding complications to existing slip sites and subsequently creating an increase in scope that resulted in delays to the initial work programme. The number of slips more than doubled to 35, with 15 defined as critical.

The earlier repairs completed during the previous closure in 2021 held up well and were undamaged in the more recent weather events, requiring no additional work to be undertaken in these areas.

The road is expected to reopen by Christmas 2024.

The project will repair State Highway 1 (SH1) through Mangamuka Gorge, providing a safe and reliable State Highway network to reconnect communities and restore access to essential services in the Far North district of Te Tai Tokerau Northland, and enhance connectivity with broader New Zealand.

  • Te Kaupapa – background

    A reliable and resilient roading network is essential to ensure that whānau, friends, businesses and communities stay connected. This is especially important for communities in the Far North where in many places, people live rurally and rely on state highways to get where they’re going safely.

    SH1 through Mangamuka Gorge closed in August 2022 for the second time in two years due to significant slip damage caused by severe weather.

    Repair work is underway on the 15 critical slips. As part of the repair, we’ll be making the ground less susceptible to slips by improving the drainage through the gorge, so it’s more suitably equipped to handle the increase in severity and frequency of weather events.

  • He aha ngā kaupapa matua? – what’s included?

    Emergency Response – completed

    • Funding for immediate response work to protect the Mangamuka Gorge from further damage and improve efficiency on SH10.
    • This included adding bunds (embankments) around current slips to divert rainfall, sealing major cracks and stabilising work within the gorge.
    • Slip repairs on SH10 near Waitaruke to reopen the state highway to 2 lanes as well as bridge strengthening work at Waitangi River Bridge and Parapara Bridge to safely remove speed and weight restrictions.

    Recovery – underway

    • In December 2022, $100M of initial funding was confirmed to complete the recovery works. Additional funding of $65M has now been approved to deliver the project and repair the 15 critical slips.
    • As part of the repair, we’ll be making the ground less susceptible to slips by improving the drainage through the gorge, so it’s more suitably equipped to handle the increase in severity and frequency of weather events.
    • Slip repair on SH10 near Totara North Road turn off, including retaining wall and guardrail installation – completed.
    • Slip repair on SH10 near Bushpoint Road, including retaining wall installation, footpath reinstatement and pavement construction – completed.

E haere ake nei – looking ahead

Project timeline

  • August 2022: 15 significant slips (6 being critical) resulted in State Highway 1 (SH1) through Mangamuka Gorge closing.
  • August – November 2022: geotechnical investigations were carried out so we could understand the full extent of the damage and ground conditions within the gorge.
  • December 2022: an initial $100m of funding was secured to restore the state highway to its original condition.
  • January – late March 2023: investigations, planning and design work was refined to further understand the damage and how best to repair this challenging transport corridor.
  • 20 February 2023: the project was awarded to the main contractor and the project kicked off.
  • April 2023: additional weather events resulted in a total 35 slips, of which 15 are deemed critical, and require complex engineering solutions.
  • February 2023 – late 2024: slip repair work is progressing at pace, with a full team working three shifts day and night where possible.
  • Late 2024: SH1 Mangamuka Gorge planned to reopen by Christmas.

Mangamuka Gorge slip repairs flyover video – July 2024

Check out the progress made on the repairs to State Highway 1 through Mangamuka Gorge. This flyover of the entire site, carried out at the beginning of July 2024, shows how much has changed onsite compared to the previous flyover from December 2023. We're on track to reopen the road by Christmas 2024. We're currently working on all the critical slips – we've finished piling on nine of the slips, three of which are complete, and we've just drilled the final 1050 millimetre diameter piles for slips A1/A2. We'll get underway with physical works on the newest slip, A47, in early August 2024.