The transport system is a complicated system with many competing demands and users. We need a smarter proactive approach to managing our transport network - one that reflects agreed strategic goals and one that helps resolve competing demands for the limited space that is available.
While there will always be a need to maintain quality roads and occasionally enhance capacity, there is increasingly the need to ‘sweat the existing asset’ (better use existing transport resources) and involve all types of network users to get the best from existing resources.
The network operating framework is an integrated process that helps us better manage and plan the use of the transport network and explicitly link transport to the adjacent land uses.
The network operating framework is simply an agreed process that enables collaborative discussions and that links strategic intent with operational and planning decisions. It does this using four workshop-based steps and a common language for the stakeholders to use. Towards the end of the process, there is a tool that allows performance deficiencies to be identified and interventions tested and compared.
It is also a holistic vision of transport that focuses on:
The framework is a collaborative process based on a common language. For the Network Operating Framework to work, partnerships are needed across all stakeholders and at all levels.
All road users will continue to have legitimate access to the entire transport network. However, by applying the framework, certain routes will be assigned priority to enable them to work better for designated modes at particular times of day. This attempts to provide an integrated approach to managing congestion, safety and competing demands for limited road space on these routes. It also supports future planning and development of transport and travel choices by establishing the future networks with modal priority attached that deliver strategic goals.
The process involves all relevant and major transport stakeholders agreeing on a collaborative view of strategic intent for a geographic area and how this is enabled and delivered by transport. This leads to a vision and language that embraces all modes across the entire network.
At all stages, stakeholders agree what is expected of transport, how and to whom priority is assigned and what the effects are of interventions on the network. The process is also an engagement and agreement framework, assisting clear and consistent informed decision making.
The framework has a tool that visually demonstrates overarching effect and any detailed trade-offs being made in order to deliver strategic goals that result from a given transport project or land use development. It informs decision making and helps establish agreements, partnerships and understanding of the network-wide effects of interventions as the basis for wider consultation and network or project development.
The framework has the potential to be a key planning and operational tool to inform decisions and to link those decisions to both strategic objectives and operational interventions. It also enables users to make informed travel decisions in relation to how they see the network developing and being operated.
Road controlling authorities (RCAs), regional councils, stakeholder groups for walking, cycling and freight.
Core agreed strategic outcomes from the network and a 'one network' vision and approach.
At least four workshops lasting approximately three hours each.
CloseA network operating framework:
A network operating framework can deliver:
A network operating framework:
The transport network needs to support ever-growing populations and economic development. The framework is underpinned by allocating priority that separates, where possible, many of the conflicts by road user, by place and by time of day. It also recognises that good access for people needs to be a key element of the transport system.
The set of guiding principles by which priority is allocated by mode, type of place and time of day is called the road use hierarchy.
Traditional road hierarchies have categorised roads in terms of their broad function, ie motorways, state highways, arterials, main roads and local roads. Instead, the framework focuses on a hierarchy based on the users of the road network. Giving each transport mode priority on roads across a network helps resolve competing demands for road space.
CloseActivity centres are areas that provide a concentration of business, shopping, working and leisure. There are usually conflicts between all modes of transport in these centres. The key desire is to reduce the level of ‘through’ traffic and promote access to centres in certain situations. This will be achieved by managing priorities and function by time of day.
For example, an arterial road might primarily function as a transport link carrying commuters etc through a local activity centre in the morning peak in order to support regional economic growth, yet between the peak hours its transport function diminishes relative to the local community’s needs in order to support local economic activities. Traffic could be managed to use certain routes, which would allow priority and space to be made available on other roads for other modes.
CloseThe desired road use priority may vary for different periods of the day depending on travel demand and the adjacent land use and activity. The needs of each mode of transport vary throughout the day and also vary according to the day of the week and time of the year. The four key time periods for road use are: AM peak (morning), inter peak (between AM and PM peak), PM peak (afternoon) and off peak (evening).
CloseThe four steps are as follows:
An assessment process is used to determine whether an intervention will reduce the operating gap. This might be anything from a proposed land use change to changes to the road operation or construction of infrastructure. The assessment includes all the roads and intersections in the network that are likely to be affected by the proposal. The assessment can be conducted for all time periods across the day or for a specific time period that the proposal is targeting (eg AM peak). Using the tool, each transport mode is assessed at each intersection.
CloseBeyond step 4 there is an opportunity to develop shorter-term operations plans for the network in order to take network stakeholders towards their agreed goal, while a longer-term plan of improvements can also be agreed as a future works package to further deliver the larger-scale solutions to address operating gaps.