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Crossings should meet the same minimum standards as footpaths, especially in:

  • being step-free
  • the maximum permissible crossfall
  • maintaining adequate overhead clearances and protrusions
  • the surface standard (stable and firm, and slip resistant even when wet)
  • not containing grates and covers.

All crossing points should be designed to minimise pedestrians’ crossing distance, which means ensuring:

  • crossings are at right angles to the direction of the road
  • the roadway is as narrow as possible at the crossing point (being careful to avoid pinch-points for cyclists using the roadway).

Kerb extensions and/or pedestrian refuges can assist in minimising the crossing distance for pedestrians.

Adequate sight distances must be provided between pedestrians and other road users.

Crossings should be located on pedestrian desire lines. Where this is not possible or unsafe, use environmental and/or tactile cues to guide pedestrians to the crossing point.  Fencing or barriers are sometimes used to guide pedestrians to safe crossing locations. However, these treatments can detract from pedestrian amenity and alternatives should be considered[1][2]

Street furniture and vegetation should not obscure visibility. No stopping restrictions should be applied either side of the crossing point.  To ensure compliance, this may need occasional enforcement or additional infrastructure restricting car parking could be installed.

Some crossings are raised to the same level as the footpath, while others require pedestrians to change grade. In both cases, it is important to ensure that all pedestrians can make the transition between the footpath and the crossing safely and easily. This is usually achieved through the inclusion of kerb ramps.

PNG: Footpaths

PNG: Kerb extensions

PNG: Pedestrian / median refuges

PNG: Sight distances

PNG: Fencing (content under development)


[1] Department for Transport. (2009). Pedestrian Guardrailing Local Transport Note 2/09(external link) (2009) 

[2] Queensland Traffic and Road Use Management Manual. (2018). Part 5 Supplement to Austroads Guide to Traffic Management(external link) provides guidance on the use, placement and installation of pedestrian fencing as well as alternatives to fencing.