The Bike to the Future Awards are an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate all the pedal-pushers out there, the people and organisations working tirelessly and creatively to make cycling a safer and more attractive transport choice.
The 2018 Bike to the Future awards winners were announced at the 2WALKandCYCLE conference dinner on Tuesday 31 July 2018.
Download the 2018 Bike to the Future Awards booklet [PDF, 2.2 MB]
The 2018 awards were judged by:
Uni-Cycle Major Cycle Route(external link)
Christchurch City Council, Aurecon, Isaacs Limited, JFC City Care Joint Venture, and WSP Opus
2018 Supreme Award winners, the Uni-Cycle Major Cycle Route project team.
This category covers organisations including businesses and schools which have made significant efforts to encourage and support cycling for staff, customers, or students.
Bikes in Schools Tairāwhiti
Tairāwhiti Connext Charitable Trust
Tauranga City Council E-Bike Initiative
Tauranga City Council
Bikes in Schools & Bicycle Skills Training, Palmerston North
Sport Manawatū
Hastings District iWay(external link) and MoveIt! School Travel Plans
Hastings District Council, Sport Hawke’s Bay, ViaStrada Ltd
This category covers excellence in design, engineering and construction of transport infrastructure which has had a significant impact on encouraging more people to cycle and create a more bike-friendly future.
Christchurch City Council Uni-Cycle Major Cycle Route(external link)
Christchurch City Council, Velos Partnership (Opus & Aurecon), JFC City Care Joint Venture, Isaacs Limited
Junior Road Safety Park – Palmerston North
Palmerston North City Council, Pascal Street Community Trust
Te Awa River Ride(external link) – Ngāruawāhia to Horotiu section
Te Awa River Ride Charitable Trust
Waterview Shared Path
NZ Transport Agency and the Well-Connected Alliance
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Donec ac libero at tortor dictum suscipit. Nunc posuere, sapien sit amet pulvinar laoreet, diam erat tempus felis, ut scelerisque leo metus eu nibh. Praesent molestie nibh non imperdiet elementum. Ut eu nisi eget libero vehicula accumsan. Nulla feugiat varius turpis, vel laoreet sem suscipit eget. Proin imperdiet facilisis neque. Morbi consequat, est non hendrerit semper, metus sem eleifend dolor, id condimentum sem felis quis nisl.
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CloseThe Kennett Brothers (Jonathan, Simon and Paul Kennett)
Cathy Jordan
Chris Teo-Sherrell
Richard Hamer
This category covers initiatives and events which have educated, inspired, celebrated, promoted or encouraged cycling. They will have had a positive influence on changing attitudes towards cycling, irrespective of whether a person subsequently chooses to ride a bike.
Biketober Christchurch 2017
Cycling in Christchurch, Spokes Canterbury, Christchurch City Council, ViaStrada Limited
Tour Aotearoa 2018
Kennett Brothers, MaProgress
Brett Cotter and the Big Bike Film Night(external link)
International Women’s Day – Refugee Women’s Cycling Instruction
This category covers excellence in communication or community engagement activities related to a cycling project which resulted in a community welcoming new infrastructure.
Kawatiri River Trail
Buller Cycling Club, Buller District Council, Department of Conservation