The intelligent transport systems (ITS) design standard and delivery specification (S&S) framework is a collection of repeatable processes and capabilities to support the creation and ongoing maintenance of the ITS S&S documentation.
It provides an open and collaborative environment to develop best practice in the ITS industry and to ensure new or upgraded ITS S&S are easily accessible to all interested parties. It provides a way to manage duplication, ensure consistency, and capture feedback and learnings to support continuous improvement.
The framework ensures that our ITS S&S documentation is produced to a high quality so that we can deliver a safer system for all users and provide certainty, consistency and clarity for our people and industry suppliers.
The ITS S&S framework benefits all national transport network projects. By updating and ensuring the consistency and quality standard of our ITS S&S documentation, NZTA can realise the full benefit of our network upgrade and ensure a safer system for all users.
The benefits include: