If you have any questions or feedback regarding ITS S&S documentation or the framework, please email itsspec@nzta.govt.nz
The intelligent transport systems (ITS) design standard and delivery specification (S&S) framework is a collection of repeatable processes and capabilities to support the creation and ongoing maintenance of the ITS S&S documentation.
It provides an open and collaborative environment to develop best practice in the ITS industry and to ensure new or upgraded ITS S&S are easily accessible to all interested parties. It provides a way to manage duplication, ensure consistency, and capture feedback and learnings to support continuous improvement.
Register to help shape ITS in NZ
A crucial part of ITS S&S documentation is the feedback you provide. Get involved in reviewing draft ITS S&S documents and help shape ITS in New Zealand. You only need to register on our webpage and you will receive communication from us regarding the documents you want to provide feedback on.