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SpecificationsBack to top

Pipe subsoil drain construction (F2)

Published: 2013

This specification refers to pipe subsoil drains including the construction of trenches, the supplying and laying of perforated pipes of the specified type and size, the jointing of the pipes, the supplying and compacting of approved backfilling materials and the construction of connecting and outlet drains. Subsoil drainage can improve the soil moisture relationship by keeping the ground water-table well beneath the paved surface.

Pipe subsoil drain construction (F2)

Fence construction (F4 notes)

Published: 1975

These notes are for guidance in the preparation of specifications for fence construction. Since suitable fencing types vary from district to district and even from job to job, a standard specification is not applicable. Specification F1 gives requirements for temporary fencing associated with earthworks, but requirements for permanent fencing should be in accordance with the local standard.

Fence construction (F4 notes)

Corrugated plastic pipe subsoil drain construction (F5)

Published: 2000

This specification and guidance notes refer to the use of perforated corrugated plastic pipe of up to 110mm nominal outside diameter in subsoil drains under light duty conditions, eg for use in agricultural land, playing fields and lightly loaded or load protected sections of the highway environment. The drains described in F5 may be used for road or civil engineering works not subjected to heavy vehicular traffic.

Corrugated plastic pipe subsoil drain construction (F5)

Civil and structural requirements (ITS-01-04)(external link)

Published: 2011

This specification covers the minimum requirements for installation of structures and their associated foundations for the NZ Transport Agency's ITS equipment. 

Civil and structural requirements (ITS-01-04)

Support structures and foundations (ITS-01-05)

Published: 2011

This specification covers the minimum requirements for detailed design and construction of structures and their associated foundations for the NZ Transport Agency’s ITS equipment installation.

Support structures and foundations (ITS-01-05)

Road safety barrier systems (M23)

Published: 2009

This specification covers the requirements for road safety barrier systems used on state highways. This 2009 specification is currently under review. For further information refer to Technical Advice - road safety hardware.

Road safety barrier systems (M23)

Specification for lighting columns (M26)

Published: 2012

This specification replaces M19 which is now long out of date. It introduces to NZ the possible use of world best practice lighting columns including those known as passively safe or energy absorbing columns. Wide industry consultation has been undertaken and is reflected in the document. Current products compliant with the superseded M19 specification have been carried over in the new M26 specification. Local manufacturers and importers of lighting columns are required to seek inclusion of new products as 'type approved' for use on the state highway network in accordance with section 5 of the specification.

Specification for lighting columns (M26)

Performance based specification for traffic signs (P24)

Published: 2020

This specification sets out performance requirements for traffic sign manufacturers wishing to design and manufacture, and contractors wishing to install and maintain permanent traffic signs in New Zealand.

Performance based specification for traffic signs (P24)

State highway stormwater specification (P46)

Published: 2017

This specification sets out the requirements for the design, construction and operation of all stormwater improvements projects. It is anticipated that the standard stormwater specification is a starting set of specifications and may be adapted to address local issues and the scope of the project. 

State highway stormwater specification (P46)

Standard for concrete weigh pits (S5P)

Published: 1987

This standard covers the construction of the concrete weigh pit and fabrication and assembly of the swing arm barrier. The notes cover the requirements for the construction of approaches and the concrete single axle weigh pit for use with Telub scales model 10T and 1203 on state highways.

Standard for concrete weigh pits (S5P)

Bridges and other significant structures inspection policy (S6)

Published: 2022

This policy document sets out the requirements for the inspection of bridges and other significant structures on the state highway network including the structural aspects of tunnels.

Bridges and other significant structures inspection policy (S6)

Geotechnical structures inspection policy (S7)

Published: 2022

This policy document sets out the requirements for the inspection of geotechnical structures on the state highway network.

Geotechnical structures inspection policy (S7)

Guidelines/advice notesBack to top

Highway structures design guide

Published: 2016

The Highway structures design guide sets out the NZ Transport Agency’s design requirements for all permanent highway structures on the state highway network. It also sets out the Transport Agency’s design requirements for earthworks, including natural slopes, embankments and cuttings.

Highway structures design guide

State highway noise barrier design guide

Published: 2014

Noise barriers are probably the most widely recognised form of noise mitigation used by the Transport Agency. Noise barriers need to be considered in the context of providing effective noise relief, while also addressing issues of appearance, urban design, site constraints, maintenance (including whole-of-life costs), safety, graffiti, cost and sustainability. This guide has been produced to aid Transport Agency staff and contractors with the design, construction and maintenance of noise barriers.

State highway noise barrier design guide

RSMA compliance standard for traffic signs

Published: 2010 (by Road Safety Manufacturers Association)

The standard is endorsed by NZ Transport Agency as a means of compliance with P24 Performance based specification for traffic signs.

RSMA compliance standard for traffic signs(external link)

Bosspipe product and TNZ F/2 specification for pipe subsoil drain construction (TM 1004)

Published: 2008

This memo provide advice on using Bosspipe as an alternative to materials in F2 specifications.

Bosspipe product and TNZ F/2 specification for pipe subsoil drain construction (TM 1004)

Bosspipe product and TNZ F/3 specification for pipe culvert construction (TM 1003)

Published: 2008

These memos provide advice on using Bosspipe as an alternative to materials in F3 specification.

Bosspipe product and TNZ F/3 specification for pipe culvert construction (TM 1003)

Traversable and mountable grates for precast concrete headwalls (TM 4006)

Published: 2008

This memo provides details of grates that are acceptable in principle for use with precast concrete headwalls on state highways to protect the headwalls and vehicle occupants from the effects of vehicle impact.

Traversable and mountable grates for precast concrete headwalls (TM 4006)

Provision of services on existing state highway structures (TM 4007)

Published: 2013

This memo provides requirements for the provision of services on existing state highway structures. These requirements are intended to assist utility operators to prepare suitable documentation for review by the NZ Transport Agency.

Provision of services on existing state highway structures (TM 4007)

Concrete barriers used to temporarily detain rockfall and slope debris (TAN #15-14)

Published: 2015

This Technical advice note clarifies issues related to the utilisation of concrete barriers to temporarily detain rockfall and slope debris. 

Concrete barriers used to temporarily detain rockfall and slope debris (TAN #15-14)

Bridge manual amendment - interim advice - mechanical reinforcement couplers and anchorages (TAN #17-14)

Published: 2017

This Technical advice note outlines a proposed amendment to Bridge Manual clause 4.2.1 (f) and systems approved for use in the interim. 

Bridge manual amendment - interim advice - mechanical reinforcement couplers and anchorages (TAN #17-14)

Verification testing of steel materials (TAN #17-09)

Published: 2017

The purpose of this Technical advice note is to define a consistent mandatory approach for the verification of steel materials on NZ Transport Agency projects. This is an interim measure until a full specification has been developed. 

Verification testing of steel materials (TAN #17-09)

Historic heritage impact assessment guide for state highway projects

Published: 2015

This guide describes the processes to be used on NZ Transport Agency projects for assessing historic heritage effects and to determine appropriate mitigations. 

Historic heritage impact assessment guide for state highway projects

MBIE/NZGS/NZ Transport Agency Rockfall: Design considerations for passive protection structures

Published: 2016

Guidance on the design of passive rockfall protection structures, such as rockfall fences and embankments, which act as barriers to intercept and capture or divert falling rock to prevent it from impacting a critical structure. 

MBIE/NZGS/NZ Transport Agency Rockfall: Design considerations for passive protection structures(external link)

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