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SpecificationsBack to top

Earthworks construction (F1)

Published: 1997

This specification and guidance notes cover the construction of earthworks including the clearing and removal of all obstacles within the limits of the earthworks, the excavation of all cuts, including excavation below the final subgrade surface, the excavation of borrow areas, benches and surface drainage facilities, the carting of the excavated material to fill or waste, construction of the fills and subgrade and shaping, trimming, grassing and maintaining of the works.

Earthworks construction (F1)

Pipe subsoil drain construction (F2)

Published: 2013

This specification refers to pipe subsoil drains including the construction of trenches, the supplying and laying of perforated pipes of the specified type and size, the jointing of the pipes, the supplying and compacting of approved backfilling materials and the construction of connecting and outlet drains. Subsoil drainage can improve the soil moisture relationship by keeping the ground water-table well beneath the paved surface.

Pipe subsoil drain construction (F2)

Pipe culvert construction (F3)

Published: 2010

Specification and guidance notes for pipe culverts including the construction of trenches, supply and placement of bedding, supply and laying of pipes, jointing of the pipes, construction of headwalls, wing-walls, aprons, drops and intakes and outlet structures, the construction of connecting and outlet drains as well as backfill of trenches and reinstatement. Consideration should be given in specifying in the specific contract documents the pipe installation in accordance with a relevant standard that will result in improved methods for construction, for example, NZS 4406: 1984.

Pipe culvert construction (F3)

Corrugated plastic pipe subsoil drain construction (F5)

Published: 2000

This specification and guidance notes refer to the use of perforated corrugated plastic pipe of up to 110mm nominal outside diameter in subsoil drains under light duty conditions, eg for use in agricultural land, playing fields and lightly loaded or load protected sections of the highway environment. The drains described in F5 may be used for road or civil engineering works not subjected to heavy vehicular traffic.

Corrugated plastic pipe subsoil drain construction (F5)

Fabric wrapped aggregate subsoil drain construction (F6)

Published: 2003

This specification and guidance notes apply to the construction of subsoil drains which consist of geotextile lined trenches filled with drainage aggregate. Pipes may or may not be placed in this drainage aggregate.

Fabric wrapped aggregate subsoil drain construction (F6)

Geotextiles (F7)

Published: 2003

This specification and guidance notes set out the material and construction requirements for geotextiles for use as separation and/or filtration applications in highway earthworks and pavements.

Geotextiles (F7)

Auckland Council/NZGS New Zealand ground investigation specification

Published: 2017

This specification has been written for use in ground investigations undertaken within New Zealand. It is intended for contracts of any size, with an emphasis on encouraging carefully designed, safely executed, consistently high quality and cost effective work.

Auckland Council/NZGS New Zealand ground investigation specification(external link)

Guidelines and policiesBack to top

Highway structures design guide

Published: 2016

The Highway structures design guide sets out the NZ Transport Agency’s design requirements for all permanent highway structures on the state highway network. It also sets out the Transport Agency’s design requirements for earthworks, including natural slopes, embankments and cuttings.

Highway structures design guide

Landscape guidelines

Published: 2014

The guidelines recognise the important contribution landscape thinking, landscape design, implementation and management provides in the delivery of quality infrastructure.

The guidelines outline the key considerations and critical steps to be followed when assessing, designing, constructing and maintaining state highway landscape assets.

Landscape guidelines

MBIE/NZGS/NZ Transport Agency Rockfall: Design considerations for passive protection structures

Published: 2016

Guidance on the design of passive rockfall protection structures, such as rockfall fences and embankments, which act as barriers to intercept and capture or divert falling rock to prevent it from impacting a critical structure.

MBIE/NZGS/NZ Transport Agency Rockfall: Design considerations for passive protection structures(external link)

Bridges and other significant structures inspection policy (S6)

Published: 2022

This policy document sets out the requirements for the inspection of bridges and other significant structures on the state highway network including the structural aspects of tunnels.

Bridges and other significant structures inspection policy (S6)

Geotechnical structures inspection policy (S7)

Published: 2022

This policy document sets out the requirements for the inspection of geotechnical structures on the state highway network.

Geotechnical structures inspection policy (S7)

New Zealand Country Amendment to NSW RMS Guide to Slope Risk Analysis Version 4, April 2014

Published: 2023

Waka Kotahi has adopted the NSW RMS Guide to Slope Risk Analysis V4 dated April 2014 for the assessment of slopes above the road. This country amendment identifies and details specific changes to be adopted for assessment work carried out in New Zealand for Waka Kotahi and identifies sections of the Guide that are not being used/adopted at the present time.

Only accredited assessors who have completed a Waka Kotahi approved training course and are accredited by Waka Kotahi may undertake the assessment procedure for Waka Kotahi.

New Zealand Country Amendment to NSW RMS Guide to Slope Risk Analysis

Current Waka Kotahi accredited assessors are listed with contact details in the following link. The persons listed have successfully completed a Waka Kotahi approved course and have either ‘full’ or ‘limited’ accreditation. Fully accredited assessors may undertake and peer review slope risk analyses completed by others, whilst those with ‘limited’ accreditation must be under the supervision of a fully accredited assessor and may not act in the checking role or supervise slope risk analyses of others.

Slope risk analysis (ARL) Accredited persons [PDF, 105 KB]

Rockfall protection structures design guidance

Published: 2023

The guideline provides guidance for the geotechnical design approach for rockfall protection structures (RPS) to Waka Kotahi infrastructure.

The guide provides considerations and design references for the development of rockfall and slip protection structures.

Rockfall protection structures design guidance

Rockfall protection structures maintenance guidance

Published: 2023

The guideline outlines considerations for the maintenance of rockfall and landslip protection structures.

The guide provides specific guidance, considerations and references for the maintenance and repair of rockfall and slip protection structures protecting Waka Kotahi infrastructure.

Rockfall protection structures maintenance guidance

Rockfall hazard rating score procedure

Published: 2023 (original: pre-2000)

Originally published as part of the annual plan instructions (SMO18), the rockfall hazard rating procedure has been moved to the geotechnical resources.

The procedure describes how slopes are to be assessed to obtain a RHRS (rockfall hazard rating score) and includes the input data sheet. Forms should be completed when required by the annual plan instructions (SMO18) or when specifically requested by Waka Kotahi.

Rockfall hazard rating score procedure

Technical advice notesBack to top

TAN #15-13 Geotechnical testing and investigations - 8 December 2015

TAN #15-14 Concrete barriers used to temporarily detain rockfall and slope debris - 9 December 2015

TAN #20-08 Use of GAP65 as a drainage medium to retaining and geotechnical structures - 30 April 2020

TAN #20-09 Use of sonic drilling in ground investigations - 30 April 2020

TAN #20-10 Use of hollow bar ground anchors and soil nails - 30 April 2020

TAN #20-15 Use of timber poles for ground improvement - 30 May 2020

TAN #21-12 Design and procurement of geosynthetics for soil reinforcement - 5 September 2021

TAN #21-13 Seismic design of the facing-to-reinforcing connections for mechanically stabilised earth structures - 15 September 2021

TAN #22-04 Release of Bridge manual 3rd edition amendment 4 - 10 June 2022

TAN #22-10 National Seismic Hazard Model and what it means for our design standards - 4 October 2022

Technical memosBack to top

These memos provide advice on using Bosspipe as an alternative to materials in F2 and F3 specifications:

Bosspipe product and TNZ F/3 specification for pipe culvert construction (TM 1003) - 3 April 2008

Bosspipe product and TNZ F/2 specification for pipe subsoil drain construction (TM 1004) - 3 April 2008



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