Following trucks and buses

  • Remember the 2-second rule – following too closely will make it hard for you to see ahead, give you less time to stop and may put you in the truck or bus driver’s blind spots.
  • In wet weather, increase your following distance to 4 seconds. This will keep you away from any water spraying from the wheels and give you more time to stop.
  • Drivers of buses and trucks often have large blind spots behind and at the side of their vehicle. Stay far enough back so you can be seen in their side mirrors. If you can see their mirrors, they can see you.
A four lane road. A truck is travelling southbound in the right lane. A white car is also travelling southbound in the left lane, behind the truck. The use of red shading around the truck shows where its blind spots are.

Truck drivers' blind spots


If you can’t see the truck or bus driver in their side mirror, they can’t see you.

Overtaking trucks and buses

It takes several seconds longer to pass a truck or bus than it does to pass a car. Make sure you have plenty of clear road ahead to safely pass without going over the speed limit

Passing safely

Oncoming trucks and buses

Trucks and other large vehicles take up more room on the road when travelling around bends and at intersections, and may not always stay entirely in their own lane.

When riding past a truck or bus travelling in the opposite direction, you should remain relaxed and ready to respond by leaning. If the wind is pushing you, lean towards it.

If it’s sucking you towards the vehicle, lean away from it. Do this smoothly so that the motorcycle stays in a straight path. Remember, don’t tense up – trust your motorcycle.