
Displaying 571 - 580 results of 693 for "temporary traffic"

Research Report 557 Getting more from our roads: an evaluation of special vehicle lanes on urban arterials

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

particular classes of traffic, typically buses and high occupancy vehicles are permitted to use the lane. Vehicles eligible to use special vehicle lanes typically represent only a limited part of the total traffic flow, resulting in lower and more

Research Report 438 Slow zones: their impact on mode choices and travel behaviour

Category: Sustainable land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Given that the safety impacts of traffic management measures, including their effect on traffic speed, have been reasonably wellestablished, we wanted to explore the potential impact of such treatments on mode choice and travel behaviour such as

Research Report 331 Impacts of fuel price changes on New Zealand transport

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The impacts of petrol price changes on petrol consumption, traffic volume and public transport patronage in New Zealand are discussed. Based on this evidence and that from Australia and other countries, a set of ‘best estimate’ petrol price

Research Report 313 Effects of toll removal on Tauranga Harbour Bridge New Zealand

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

. Over the next thirteen years, the daily traffic flow on the bridge increased from 10,000 vehicles per day (vpd) to 27,500 vpd because of the continued strong residential development across the harbour from the city centre. The removal of the toll in

Edge marker posts

Category: Materials , Edge marker posts , Delineation , Specifications | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This specification sets out requirements for edge marker posts (EMPs) as used in the delineation of state highways in accordance with the Traffic Control Devices Manual, Parts 4 and 5. EMPs used on the state highway must be on the current acceptance

Research Report 340 Estimating demand for new cycle facilities in New Zealand

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

worthy projects will get funding ahead of better projects due to the use of inconsistent methods of estimating cycling demand. This research project compared cycle traffic flows after facilities have been built with predictions and with cycle traffic

Research report 422 Integrated transport assessment guidelines

Category: Environmental impacts of land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

, development, development thresholds, district plan, environment, guideline, ITA, planning guidelines, practice notes, resource consent, site development, sustainability, traffic, traffic impact, traffic impact assessment, transport, transport assessment, transport impact, trip distribution, trip generation, trip rates

Research Report 145 Parking restraint measures and their implementation

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

/ inner areas of New Zealands three largest urban centres (Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch); a review of international experience with the adoption of parking restraint policies; a review of traffic restraint related parking measures

Installation of slip base sign fixings

Category: Road safety hardware and practice , Technical memoranda | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

To advise on the required practice for installation of slip base sign fixings to ensure safe operation and compliance with NZ Transport Agency P24 specification and RMSA Compliance standard for traffic signs (2008).

Research Report 554 Travel time predictability

Category: Sustainable land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

transport planners and policy makers, journey time estimates are used to provide key indicators for performance monitoring, congestion management, travel demand modelling and forecasting, traffic simulation, air quality analysis, evaluation of travel demand