
Displaying 541 - 550 results of 635 for ""

M23 terminal grading plan

Category: Road safety hardware and practice , Technical memoranda | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

This standard drawing shows details of the accepted grading profile for guardrail terminals accepted in NZ Transport Agency specification M23.

Long-life road marking materials

Category: Materials , Road marking , Specifications | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This specification and guidance notes set out requirements for marking materials which have a long service life and which are typically applied at thicknesses of about 0.9 mm or more.

Long-life pavement marking material applicator testing

Category: Application , Road marking , Specifications | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants

This specification describes technical, testing and certification requirements for mechanically controlled road marking applicators and associated equipment to be used for the application of long-life materials in compliance with NZTA P22 Specificati…

Location referencing management system (LRMS) manual (SM051)

Category: Asset management , Manuals | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

NZ Transport Agency uses a linear referencing system for its state highway network.

Litter and rubbish removal

Category: Litter , Maintenance , Specifications | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This specification and guidance notes sets out the requirements for the removal of roadside litter.

Lime for use in soil stabilisation

Category: Construction , Pavement & surfacing , Specifications | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This specification ahd guidance notes apply to the purchase of calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide for use in soil stabilisation.

Overall results of crash reduction study safety improvements

Category: Crash analysis , Research & reports | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

The Land Transport Safety Authority, Transit New Zealand and Local Authorities were partners in the Crash Reduction Study Programme in New Zealand.

Crash rates and rural intersections

Category: Research & reports | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

As traffic volumes grow on the rural road network and four-laning becomes necessary along many road sections, may of the priority-controlled intersections that provide local access to communities are reaching capacity or have safety problems. Little …

A New Zealand guide to the treatment of crash locations

Category: Crash analysis , Research & reports | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

This guide provides procedures for the treatment of traffic crash locations in New Zealand.