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Deficiency database and prioritisation process (DDPP)

The NZ Transport Agency developed the deficiency database and prioritisation process (DDPP) consisting of a spreadsheet, workbook and explanation PowerPoint presentation. The October 2009 updated spreadsheet version 3 consists of an updater program which will update all previous versions and spreadsheets (containing data) and an updater of the consumer price index (CPI) to March 2009. A CPI updater will be issued annually.

Deficiency database and prioritisation process


Road controlling authorities (RCA) need to endeavour to keep their roading networks as safe as reasonably possible. A key component of this process is the identification and recording of hazards and safety deficiencies in their network. Hazards (eg possible flooding in severe storms) can only be managed and need to be distinguished from deficiencies (which can be improved or eliminated). Once deficiencies have been identified, they can either be rectified as part of a maintenance contract or considered for improvement through a prioritisation process based on their safety risk.

As outlined in part 3G of the Guidelines for the development and implementation of safety management systems for road controlling authorities, a safety deficiency database is an integral part of a RCA Safety Management System (SMS).
Following many requests from RCAs for a relatively simple deficiency database, Land Transport NZ and Maunsell (now part of AECOM) developed a deficiency database and prioritisation process (DDPP) consisting of a spreadsheet, handbook and PowerPoint presentation.

Over 120 people have been trained in the use of the DDPP software since May 2007. Participants on courses and the software users have provided useful feedback on improvements they would like to see. These are regularly incorporated – see the update details below.

PPDD updates

In February 2008 an updated version 2 of the DDPP work book and spreadsheet was published. Also included was an Updater program which will update existing version 1 spreadsheets (containing data) to version 2 and data collection sheets for recording hazards and deficiencies in the field (in two sizes; able to be altered to suit the RCA).

A few printed copies of version 2 of the course notes and a CD with version 2 of the Excel spreadsheet, the updater program and data collection sheets are still available if required. Please email

To enable current users of the DDPP software to update the Construction Indices table (which is found on the CCI tab of the DDPP spreadsheet, AECOM has produced a CCI updater program which can be downloaded here:

There are known issues preventing this updater running on some systems, these are related to network set-up and security. If you have difficulty running the version 3 updater please e-mail your current deficiency database to It will be updated and returned to you.

DDPP workshops

Workshops on the DDPP are available depending on demand.

For more information on DDPP courses download the deficiency databases information sheet [PDF, 38 KB].

For more information or to register your interest in attending a workshop, email

Workshop course materials

Future developments

The DDPP is currently being incorporated in the updated Road Assessment and Maintenance Management (RAMM) software package being developed for the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA). The DDPP will be included in the NZ version of RAMM when it is updated.