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NZ Transport Agency Statement of intent 2013–2016

Published: | Category: Statements of intent , Corporate publications | Audience: General

This Statement of intent (SoI) sets out an approach and course of action for the next three years that will contribute to the delivery of the government's land transport objectives and wider transport vision. It includes performance measures and what is intended to be measured (and how) and details of what is expected to be accomplished. The document also includes full financial statements. The SoI is a statutory compliance document.

Download the complete report:
NZ Transport Agency Statement of intent 2013–2016 [PDF, 1.5 MB]

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: June 2013

Table of contents


Part 1: Statement of strategic intent

Part 2: Statement of forecast service and investment performance

Part 3: Statements of forecast financial performance



Foreword from the Board Chair and Chief Executive

Better infrastructure and transport services are essential if the economy is to deliver greater prosperity, security and opportunities for all New Zealanders.

The government has stated that it is looking for a high performing and resilient transport system that provides efficient access to export markets, lowers costs to business and makes it easier for people to access employment. The government has also clearly stated that it remains focused on providing New Zealanders with better public services that deliver value for money.

With a strong track record of achievement, the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is well positioned to continue to deliver on this agenda and on the government’s value for money expectations.

The NZTA will be five years old this year and we continue to sharpen our delivery focus over the short to medium-term, and build our delivery capability over the longer-term, in order to meet the government’s expectations of the land transport system.

This Statement of intent 2013–16 describes how we will promote greater integration of the land transport system. By working with our partners and listening to our customers, we will develop and deliver a portfolio of investments and services that provide effective transport solutions at the national, regional and local levels.

This Statement of intent positions the NZTA to deliver value for money solutions that extract maximum return from the existing land transport networks and activities, whilst also directing future capital and operational investment into areas that will provide the greatest economic and social value. It also outlines how we will build our organisational capability to ensure that we can continue to deliver effectively in the future, in a changing operating environment.

Our longer-term focus for the transport network concerns integrating land uses, transport networks, and the various modes, services and systems to deliver a seamless ‘one network’ experience for customers. We expect to make significant progress toward this goal over the next three years.

Underpinning our pursuit of one network are the relationships and partnerships that we have been forging, in particular with freight operators and our partners in joint transport operations centres. With these relationships in place we can now focus on shared priorities and opportunities to lift network efficiency and deliver productivity improvements.

In Auckland we will continue to strengthen our partnership with Auckland Transport to ensure an integrated approach to the planning, investment and management of that region’s land transport system. We will also continue to support the rebuild and further development of the land transport system in Canterbury, which is making a significant contribution to the region’s recovery.

We will make it easier for our customers to make smarter choices about how they use the transport system - choices that are safer, more efficient and more responsible. By lifting the NZTA’s capability to design with our customers in mind, we will work to transform our services, making compliance easier and cheaper for businesses and individuals, and ensuring more of our services can be accessed online.

We will continue to work with our co-investment partners to deliver the 2012–15 National Land Transport Programme, maximising return on investment from the National Land Transport Fund. In partnership with local authorities for local roads and public transport, and directly for the strategic state highway network, we will sharpen the focus of our investment to ensure it is efficient and is placed where it best supports economic growth that allows communities to thrive.

Major capital investment in highway solutions will continue as we progress the roads of national significance, including the Waterview Connection, New Zealand’s largest roading project, and the innovative public private partnership for Transmission Gully. Our investment will deliver a safer, more reliable and resilient highway network for customers that is integrated into the wider transport system.

We will put the customer at the heart of all of our business, designing services, building infrastructure and helping operate an integrated transport system that ensures that the movement of people and goods becomes more efficient, reliable and safe.

Chris Moller
NZ Transport Agency

Geoff Dangerfield
Chief Executive
NZ Transport Agency

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Introducing the NZ Transport Agency Board

Chris Moller, Chair (Wellington)

Chris is a non-executive director who chairs the Meridian Energy Ltd, SKYCITY Entertainment Group Ltd and New Zealand Cricket Inc boards. He is also a Director of Westpac New Zealand Ltd and the International Cricket Council. He was Chief Executive of the New Zealand Rugby Union, Deputy Chief Executive of Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd, and a director of a range of joint venture and subsidiary organisations within the New Zealand dairy industry, both domestically and internationally.

Patsy Reddy, Deputy Chair (Wellington)

Patsy is a non-executive director and a qualified lawyer. She is Chair of the New Zealand Film Commission, and is a director of Payments NZ Ltd and Active Equity Holdings Ltd. She is also a chief crown negotiator for Treaty of Waitangi Settlements in the Bay of Plenty. Her previous directorships include Telecom Corporation of NZ Ltd, SKYCITY Entertainment Group Ltd, New Zealand Post and Air New Zealand Ltd.

Gill Cox (Christchurch)

Gill is a chartered accountant and business consultant. He chairs MainPower NZ Ltd and Transwaste Canterbury Ltd, and is a member of the Advisory Body of Development West Coast. He currently serves on the boards of a number of large privately held companies in Canterbury involved in the manufacturing, warehousing and distribution, and fishing industries. Gill is a member of the CERA Community Forum in Christchurch and the executive of the Canterbury Business Leaders Group, and is a past President of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Tony Lanigan (Auckland)

Tony is a professional civil engineer (FIPENZ), project management consultant and former general manager of Fletcher Construction. Tony was Chancellor of Auckland University of Technology and a director of Infrastructure Auckland. He is currently Vice Chair of Habitat for Humanity in New Zealand and Chair of New Zealand Housing Foundation. He is a director of Watercare Services Limited.

Jerry Rickman (Hamilton)

Jerry is a chartered accountant and professional director. Jerry currently chairs Alandale Life Care Ltd, EziBuy Holdings Ltd, HG Leach Ltd and Tidd Ross Todd Ltd and is a director of Power Farming Holdings Ltd. He was a member of Telecom’s Independent Oversight Group. He has chaired the boards of Waikato Regional Airport Ltd, Waikato District Health Board, and Innovation Waikato Ltd.

Alick Shaw (Wellington)

Alick works as an independent commissioner for hearings convened under the Resource Management Act 1991 and as a member of boards of Crown entities, council organisations, privately held companies and the cultural sector. He is a member of the New Zealand Parole Board and a former deputy mayor of Wellington city.

Adrienne Young-Cooper (Auckland)

Adrienne is a businesswoman, professional director and an Accredited Fellow of the Institute of Directors. She has a 30-year career in resource management and town planning specialising in spatial planning, metropolitan growth management including infrastructure planning and large projects. Adrienne was the Deputy Chair of Auckland Regional Transport Authority (replaced by Auckland Transport) and was a board member of Maritime New Zealand until 2011. Her experience and contribution in transport governance is extensive. She also is Deputy Chair of Auckland Waterfront Development Agency Limited (Waterfront Auckland) and Deputy Chair of Housing New Zealand Corporation.

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