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Neighbourhood accessibility plans (NAP): reporting and monitoring

Neighbourhood accessibility planning project coordinators need to submit three types of reports to the NZ Transport Agency:

  • quarterly reports
  • annual reports
  • evaluation report.

Reporting and monitoring

Quarterly reports 

Quarterly reports provide an update to NZ Transport Agency staff and identifies areas where the Transport Agency might be able to offer additional assistance.

The reports are also useful to you as a planning tool and can later be used to help you, or another staff member, prepare the final evaluation report.

Important dates

Four electronic quarterly reports are required for:

Quarter 1 October
Quarter 2 January
Quarter 3 April
Quarter 4 July (this is the annual achievement activity report via LTP Online)

They should be given to your local Transport Agency Senior Programme Advisor (Education) contact person.

Reporting template

Annual reports

Annual reports are submitted in Land Transport Programmes Online (LTP Online). Reporting templates are located in LTP Online, in the section on achievement reporting. If you don’t have access to LTP Online you’ll need to talk to the people in your council that have access to it.

Neighbourhood accessibility plan projects are different to some of the other activities in the community programme in the following ways:

  • they may take a number of years to investigate and implement
  • the investigation phase may extend longer than the one-year reporting period
  • they identify other community activities to implement.

Given these differences the following information may help you when it comes to filling in annual report forms:

  • If you have not finished the investigation phase or the project you should still report on what you have achieved. All the report is, is a summary of what happened over the course of the year.
  • You may find that the activities you’re reporting on are information collection activities such as surveys rather than a project. This is fine, but instead of reporting on whether you achieved the aims and objectives of the project, you will be reporting on whether you achieved the aims and objectives of information collection.
  • Neighbourhood accessibility plan implementation actions that are funded through community programmes should be reported on with other similar activities (eg report on all school travel plans together including the ones generated by the neighbourhood accessibility plan project).

Evaluation report

Once the project is completed a final evaluation report should be prepared and sent to your local Transport Agency contact person.

This report should demonstrate any achievements that occurred. Evaluation reports are useful to the Transport Agency as they are used to improve the guidance we provide. There is no set template for this report.

Refer to Chapter 8 of the Neighbourhood accessibility plans: Guidelines for coordinators for more details on how to conduct project evaluation and for a suggested report format.