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Introduction from the Regional Director


I'm pleased to introduce to you this National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) for 2009-2012 – the mechanism through which the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) 'gives effect' to the Government policy statement on land transport funding 2009/10 – 2018/19 (GPS)(external link).

The global economic situation has changed dramatically in the past 18 months, with significant effects for the New Zealand economy. In response, and as part of its commitment to improving New Zealand's economic outlook and performance, the government has set clear expectations and priorities for the land transport sector. These expectations are articulated in the GPS.

The GPS is the government's statement of its short- to medium-term goals for transport investment. Issued in May 2009 and covering the 10 years between 2009 and 2019, it has a clear message: the number one priority for investment in land transport is increasing economic growth and productivity in New Zealand.

In particular, this means directing investment into high-quality infrastructure projects and transport services that encourage the efficient movement of people and freight and contribute to economic activity and employment. It's to be achieved by investing in the transport network, extracting better value for money from all land transport activities and enhancing individual projects' economic efficiency. Improvement of key routes also assists in delivering route security, network efficiency and provides safety benefits.

The NZTA's role is to allocate money from the National Land Transport Fund to activities within activity classes in the GPS. Through our rigorous assessment and prioritisation process, we aim to draw a balance between national and regional priorities (identified in the regional land transport programme (RLTP)), and between networks' local and regional, and inter-regional and national roles. We're also committed to delivering value for money in all transport activities, in all regions.

A strong commitment to value for money has also led to changes in how R (regionally distributed) funding is used. R funds come from fuel excise duty and light road user charges and are allocated proportionally to regions based on population. In the past, R funding was used to fund lowerpriority projects that would otherwise not qualify for funding.

To ensure value for money, R funding will be used for the highest-priority projects in this NLTP, providing a guaranteed minimum level of funding for the Bay of Plenty region.

The National Land Transport Fund can only be used to fund activities listed in the NLTP. The tables in this NLTP list:

Activities that have been given funding approval and represent committed funding.

Activities that the NZTA anticipates may be given funding approval during 2009–12 (category 2 activities). More activities are listed than will be funded because many do not progress as planned.

Reserve activities that are expected to be funded beyond 2009–12, but might be funded in 2009–12 (if circumstances justify it).

Activities that are not expected to be funded because they have too low a priority to warrant funding.

This document details the funding provided for the Bay of Plenty region – and as a dynamic document will be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect any approved variations to programmes. For information on funding for the rest of New Zealand (and how the NLTP is developed and managed) please see the national NLTP document.

Bay of Plenty – the context

The Bay of Plenty region is a key part of New Zealand's transport network, providing important links between the sea ports of Tauranga and Auckland, the inland freight hub in Hamilton and the significant export industries in the area.

We've developed this NLTP to meet the government's priorities set out in the GPS, particularly its focus on investing in high-quality infrastructure projects that support the efficient movement of freight and people. We're delighted that the GPS specifically identifies the Tauranga Eastern Corridor as a road of national significance – a generator of economic growth in our region and a vital national link between industry and the Port of Tauranga that requires significant investment and development.

The NLTP also considers the priorities set by the Bay of Plenty Regional Transport Committee (RTC), which plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Bay of Plenty region. It's the result of an integrated planning approach, and builds on the region's previous strong economic growth that has, in part, been achieved as a direct result of previous land transport programmes.

This integration of land transport and land-use/growth planning is particularly important in high-growth regions like the Bay of Plenty. It's well developed in our region, with strategies such as SmartGrowth in the Western Bay of Plenty and the integrated transport strategy being developed for the Rotorua sub-region.

Highlights of the Bay of Plenty's NLTP

This NLTP provides an investment of $495.1 million for the Bay of Plenty region over the 2009– 2012 period. I'm confident that the NLTP gives the required effect to the GPS. All funds have been allocated to activity classes within the GPS limits and in line with the government's priorities.

We look forward to the next three years, in which we'll be:

  • accelerating the Tauranga Eastern Link, partly through tolling and its recognition by the government as a major component of our road of national significance
  • investigating projects which support economic development by improving accessibility to key development areas
  • completing Tauranga's Harbour Link project, which will significantly improve transport connections to and from the Port of Tauranga
  • four-laning Rotorua's Fairy Springs Rd
  • constructing the Pyes Pa Bypass
  • progressing with the likely construction of Lake Road in Rotorua and four-laning Tauranga's Tara Road.

Working with the Bay of Plenty region

The Environment Bay of Plenty Regional Transport Committee has a pivotal role in shaping the Bay of Plenty region's transport future through the Regional Land Transport Strategy and the RLTP.

The committee comprises elected members from the regional and local authorities, the NZTA, and community representatives with expertise in areas such as access and mobility, safety and personal security and economic development.

One of the committee's key tasks is to develop Bay of Plenty's three-year RLTP, which prioritises all the regional transport activities proposed by the NZTA, the region's local and district authorities and the Environment Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

This regional perspective enabled the NZTA to build a geographic view of land transport requirements nationwide, and to align regional and national views in deciding on the most appropriate allocations of funds to give effect to the GPS priorities. Public submissions on Bay of Plenty's draft programme were reflected in the final programme that went to the NZTA Board, which made the ultimate funding decisions for the NLTP.

I believe this NLTP will support Bay of Plenty's social and economic wellbeing and augurs well for the region's future as a significant contributor to New Zealand's economy. I look forward to working closely with our regional partners and the Bay of Plenty community to ensure it is implemented successfully.

Harry Wilson

Regional Director Waikato–Bay of Plenty

Last updated: 6 October 2009