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Manual of traffic signs and markings (MOTSAM)

| Category: Signs & markings (permanent & temporary) , Manuals | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

Waka Kotahi plan to archive the Manual of Traffic Signs and Road Marking (MOTSAM) after the publication of the Traffic Control Devices Manual Part 4 in early 2024.  MOTSAM has now been replaced by the TCD Manual:

Traffic Control Devices Manual

The publication of the TCD Manual Part 4 will complete the replacement of MOTSAM.

Practitioners searching MOTSAM should refer to the TCD Manual as much of the content found in MOTSAM is outdated and new forms infrastructure have been developed which require different application of Traffic Control Devices (TCDs). Please refer to:

MOTSAM signs codes have not been allocated to any new signs for the last 7 years therefore practitioners should familiarise themselves with the TCD Rule codes that can be found on the Signs Specifications website (link above). Coinciding with the removal of MOTSAM from the Waka Kotahi web site, it is planned to remove the MOTSAM signs codes from the Signs Specifications website.