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A New Zealand guide to the treatment of crash locations

This guide provides procedures for the treatment of traffic crash locations in New Zealand. It outlines practices and policies specific to New Zealand and forms a companion document to Austroads Guide to traffic engineering practice.

Print version: Appendix D – Generic traffic management plan (PDF [PDF, 17 KB] | Word [DOC, 59 KB])

Appendix D

Generic traffic management plan

The CRS team must contact the RCA to clarify its particular requirements for a TMP on the roads included in the study prior to and field inspections. The details in a particular TMP could vary depending on the road level, speed limit and other factors.

Traffic management plan
management plan
For office use only
Organisation Contractor
[CRS team]
Contract name/
  RCA consent reference
Location Road name(s) Road level
(LV, 1, 2, 3)
Speed limit From RP
From RP
Description of
CRS location inspections
Work programme  
restricted work
Day and night time inspections
Traffic details
(main route)
AADT Peak hour flow
Proposed traffic

The team may
need to be as
inconspicuous as
possible to observe
driver behaviour.
This should only be
done from a safe
place off the traffic

Active: Daylight
During daylight hours the CRS vehicle is to park safely near the site; this could be in a nearby car park in urban situations, or in rural situations: on the berm, completely clear of the road and shoulder.

All team members shall wear hi visibility jackets. Where it is necessary to cross the road they should take due care as normal pedestrians.

Unattended: Not applicable

Night: During the hours of darkness the CRS vehicle is to park safely near the site; this could be in a nearby car park in urban situations, or in rural situations: on the berm, completely clear of the road and shoulder. If there is overhead lighting they should seek to operate in the vicinity of this light.

All team members shall wear hi visibility jackets and are to remain clear of the live lanes. Where it is necessary to cross the road they should take due care as normal pedestrians.

Proposed speed
Positive traffic
Contingency plans In the event of poor visibility, heavy rain, or other inclement conditions that may pose a higher risk than normal, the inspection may be cancelled by the team leader.
Public notification Not necessary
Personal safety The team must observe traffic discretely from a position away from live lanes and if required to go on the roadway, should always move to avoid traffic and not expect traffic to slow down or move for them.
On-site monitoring Attended: Check that all CRS team members maintain safe practices
Unattended: Not applicable
Overnight: Check that all CRS team members maintain safe practices
Other times: Not applicable
Other information Not necessary
Layout diagrams        
EED applicable? Y/N Attached Y/N
Traffic controllers Name (STMS)

Cert no:
Phone (24 hours)
Name (TC)

Cert no:
Phone (24 hours)
TMP prepared
accurately to
represent site
conditions and
submitted by

Cert No:

Cert no:
This TMP is approved on the following basis

1. To the best of the approving engineer’s judgement this TMP conforms to the requirements of Transit
New Zealand’s Code of practice for temporary traffi c management.

2. This plan is approved on the basis that the activity, the location and the road environment have
been correctly represented by the applicant.
Any inaccuracy in the portrayal of this information is the
responsibility of the applicant. The STMS for the activity is reminded that it is the STMS’s duty to ‘postpone,
cancel or modify operations due to the adverse traffi c, weather or other conditions that affect the safety of
this site’ (reference A4.5).

Approving engineer:

Name and certificate number

Acceptance by TMC TMX:

Cert no:


Page created: 22 July 2005