
With the lifting of Level 4 lockdown restrictions for construction activities on 28 April, the Transmission Gully project was able to begin a staged recommencement of construction works operating within strict new COVID-19 requirements.

Ahead of the restart, much work went into planning site operation under the tightly controlled new hygiene, physical distancing and contact tracing measures that have been established for everyone working on the project.

The subsequent move to Alert Level 2 on 14 May has meant more personnel have been able to return to site and for construction activities to step up, with the COVID-19 work site protocols remaining in place. While the work that can be done is proceeding at pace, we are operating fewer work fronts with smaller teams to maintain physical distancing, and as has been reported in the media, it is expected that some project work progamme milestones will be delayed.

With the announcement from the Government on Monday 8 June, and the quick move to Alert Level 1 overnight,  we are currently identifying when we can increase our personnel onsite, and the necessary health and safety requirements.

We continue to remind all members of the public to stay safe and not enter the project site at any time. Things may not appear to be as busy as pre COVID-19 lockdown but work is underway in multiple areas along the 27 km route and it remains a high hazard area.

If you have any questions as we enter this next phase of the project, please contact us at info@tg.co.nz or if you have an urgent matter please call the 24-hour project hotline on 0800 TGINFO.
