In this section you can find out more about the possible effects of the project on the environment and community. This includes a description about the project, assessment of the actual and potential effects, the alternatives considered, and assessment of the measures identified to avoid, remedy or mitigate the effects.

Section Title Download
Full report Assessment of Environmental Effects PDF [PDF, 16 MB]
0 Content page and Executive summary PDF [PDF, 2.6 MB]
Part A: Introduction and background to the Project  
1 Introduction PDF [PDF, 255 KB]
2 Background to the Project PDF [PDF, 665 KB]
Part B: Statutory context
3 Resource Management Act 1991 PDF [PDF, 154 KB]
4 Statutory considerations PDF [PDF, 142 KB]
5 Additional considerations PDF [PDF, 104 KB]
Part C: Description of the environment
6 Description of the environment PDF [PDF, 2.5 MB]
Part D: Description of the Project
7 Operation of the Project PDF [PDF, 1.8 MB]
8 Construction of the Project PDF [PDF, 568 KB]
Part E: Consideration of alternatives
9 Assessment of alternatives PDF [PDF, 203 KB]
Part F: Consultation and engagement
10 Consultation and engagement PDF [PDF, 117 KB]
Part G: Assessment of effects on the environment
11 Summary of environmental effects PDF [PDF, 112 KB]
12 Assessment methodology PDF [PDF, 79 KB]
13 Traffic and transport PDF [PDF, 526 KB]
14 Land use and property effects PDF [PDF, 54 KB]
15 Network utilities PDF [PDF, 95 KB]
16 Noise and vibration PDF [PDF, 104 KB]
17 Air quality PDF [PDF, 82 KB]
18 Contaminated land PDF [PDF, 116 KB]
19 Hydrology PDF [PDF, 1.5 MB]
20 Water quality PDF [PDF, 596 KB]
21 Terrestrial ecology PDF [PDF, 286 KB]
22 Freshwater ecology PDF [PDF, 1.8 MB]
23 Marine ecology PDF [PDF, 122 KB]
24 Tangata whenua PDF [PDF, 99 KB]
25 Landscape and visual PDF [PDF, 171 KB]
26 Archaeology and built heritage PDF [PDF, 73 KB]
27 Social effects PDF [PDF, 203 KB]
Part H: Management of environmental effects
28 Environmental management and monitoring PDF [PDF, 627 KB]
29 Proposed designation conditions PDF [PDF, 205 KB]
30 Proposed resource consents conditions PDF [PDF, 366 KB]
Part I: Statutory assessment
31 Approach to the assessment PDF [PDF, 85 KB]
32 Statutory assessment PDF [PDF, 550 KB]
Appendix A Resource Management (Approval of Transit New Zealand as Requiring Authority) Notice 1994 PDF [PDF, 250 KB]
Appendix B Proposed conditions agreed between Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Transpower NZ Limited PDF [PDF, 14 KB]