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He kōrero mā ngā hāpori – community engagement
Ngā hui a hapori e haere ake nei – upcoming engagement
Currently we are engaging with directly affected landowners, the community and stakeholders to develop the detailed design.
Te whakarāpopototanga o te kōrero ki te hapori – summary of engagement to date
In February 2023, the last appeal against Notice of Requirement D2 was resolved and withdrawn. In April 2023, Auckland Council updated the Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in Part to include the confirmed designation. It is now called Designation 1840, Jesmond to Waihoehoe West FTN Upgrade under the Unitary Plan. You can view the location of Designation 1840 on Auckland Council’s GEOMAPs. Further information related to Designation 1840 is also available on Auckland Council’s website.
Confirmed Designation 1840, Jesmond to Waihoehoe West FTN Upgrade(external link)
Auckland Transport Designation Schedule (refer to Designation 1840)(external link)
Following submissions and hearing, commissioners recommended the proposed designation D2 - Jesmond to Waihoehoe West FTN Upgrade be confirmed subject to conditions. Auckland Transport confirmed this decision with modified conditions in June 2022. A total of two appeals were received against this Notice of Requirement in July 2022.
The Notices of Requirement were lodged with Auckland Council and landowners and communities were invited to make submissions. Te Tupu Ngātahi Supporting Growth continued to meet landowners to discuss the plans.
Engagement with stakeholders, developers, and landowners was undertaken to prepare the Detailed Business Cases and Notices of Requirement to designate land for transport improvements in the Drury Arterial Network, including the proposed designation D2 - Jesmond to Waihoehoe West FTN Upgrade.
Te Tupu Ngātahi Supporting Growth sought feedback and input from partners, stakeholders and the general public on short-listed options for the future South Auckland transport network.
Te Tupu Ngātahi Supporting Growth (a collaboration of Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi) consulted partners, stakeholders and potentially affected parties on their transport aspirations for the Drury area. This helped shape Te Tupu Ngātahi Supporting Growth’s initial transport plan for South Auckland.
Te Tupu Ngātahi – Supporting Growth resource library(external link)