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Ngā pātai auau - Frequently asked questions

Why is this project going ahead ?

Due to the planned Ngākōroa Railway Station and increasing housing development in the Drury west area, upgrades to SH22 (Karaka Road) are proposed to support future demand by providing better connections to public transport networks, managing congestion and addressing existing safety issues.

What stage is the project currently at?

The SH22 Drury upgrade project has approved pre-implementation funding. This allows site investigations, design development and resource consenting to progress and includes engagement with affected property owners regarding the project’s expected land requirements.

NZTA, Auckland Transport, KiwiRail and Mana Whenua are working in partnership to deliver this project in an integrated way.

Why is the Burberry Road intersection with SH22 proposed to be closed?

The SH22 Drury upgrade project will widen SH22 between Jesmond Road and Mercer Road near Drury Interchange to four lanes – two in each direction separated by a median barrier. This removes a current safety issue but also means that right-turn movements to and from Burberry Road and SH22 will no longer be possible.

Remaining options would be retaining left in/left out access only or closing the intersection completely and providing alternative access. If left in/left out access remained, motorists exiting Burberry Road but wanting to turn right would need to move across two lanes on SH22 within a very short distance to reach the right turn bay into Great South Road.  This would mean multiple lane changes in a short distance and poses significant safety concerns.

The recommended outcome is therefore the closure of the Burberry Road intersection with SH22 as part of the project, with alternative vehicle access for Burberry Road properties to be provided through existing or new roads within the Auranga development at the time of closure. Walking and cycling access between Burberry Road and the proposed path along the north side of SH22 will remain.  NZTA engaged with Burberry Road landowners and residents about these coming changes in October/November 2024.

It is noted that the closure of the intersection and the provision of alternative access may be triggered in advance of the project by private development/s on Burberry Road.

What will happen to the directly affected properties?

Property owners have been informed of the designation and that this project has been brought forward to support the development of additional housing and new rail stations. Discussions with property owners are confidential and property owners’ rights will continue to be protected by the Public Works Act.

Can I carry out an activity or works within the Waka Kotahi designation?

Where land is designated, the network utility operator responsible for the designation (known as a Requiring Authority), is authorised to undertake existing and future activities which are consistent with the designation purpose. Any other party who wishes to undertake an activity (such as undertaking any use of the land, building a structure, subdividing or changing the use of the land) in the designation requires written consent from the Requiring Authority if the activity would prevent or hinder the designated work.

See Approvals under Sections 176/178 for works in Waka Kotahi designations for more information and how to apply for written consent:

Approvals under Sections 176/178 for works in Waka Kotahi designations(external link)