We want to make the 47km section of SH5, beginning at Wairakei in the south through to the SH5/SH38 intersection at Rainbow Mountain in the north, safer for everyone who uses it.
We’re focusing on three risky sections of the highway (a total of 23km in length) - the northern end, towards SH38, centrally (around Mihi and the Waikato River) and at the southern end, at Wairakei. Unexpected curves, roadside hazards such as ditches and narrow shoulders mean these sections of the road have a higher crash risk. Intersection visibility is also an area of concern.
Between 2008 and 2017 there were eight deaths and 46 serious injuries on this stretch of road. Many of these crashes were head-on collisions or involved vehicles running off the road and hitting roadside hazards like trees, ditches and fences.
To help prevent further crashes we’re planning: