Two-lanes of traffic into the industrial side will accommodate the largest traffic flows, with a single lane into Rolleston’s residential side. A shared use path for walking and cycling is proposed for one side of the flyover. The overall width is future-proofed for an additional traffic lane if needed.
Watch a video of the bridge across the State Highway 1 and railway line, landing on Jones Road.
The flyover provides the most direct connection between the township side of the highway and rail corridor and industrial/business areas. Rolleston Drive North is the main traffic route for these connections, and having the flyover go straight across to Jones Road provides the greatest access to all parts of the industrial area. At Jones Road people can turn left to access IZone Drive or right to get to Hoskyns Road and its connection to West Melton and SH73, the IPORT development area and SH1 heading to Christchurch via the Rolleston Interchange at Weedons Road. This location provides more direct and reliable connections for everyone including buses and emergency services.
The team explored a range of potential alignments and locations for the flyover. Read more here:
The path to a flyover - SH1 Rolleston Transport Improvements [PDF, 3.9 MB]
Underpass options have been investigated. The technical challenges of constructing an underpass under a rail line and state highway are greater and would require increased resources and investment. An underpass will have idling emissions as vehicles queue on the uphill incline to the adjacent intersections during peak times. Even with ventilation, this would be unpleasant for people using the shared path to walk, cycle and scooter. Underpasses are susceptible to flooding in severe weather, and we are also conscious of personal security concerns for pedestrians.