Selwyn District is growing rapidly. Based on current travel choices, SH1 through Rolleston could increase from around 24,000 to 33,000 vehicles over the next 20 years. Even with improvements to public transport we expect traffic will continue to increase.

Highway traffic volume is almost at ‘tipping point’. Even a small amount of extra traffic can trigger very long delays at the Hoskyns Road and Rolleston Drive North signals.

Planning and investigations started back in 2007 with a strategic transportation study called the Christchurch Rolleston and Environs Transportation Study (CRETS) which showed a flyover was needed to improve connections between the residential and industrial sides of Rolleston, as well as provide a more resilient and safer road and rail network. The Christchurch Southern Motorway and the Rolleston Interchange at Weedons Road were part of that original planning, and now we are developing the flyover connection within Rolleston.

The Detailed Business Case (DBC) stage was finalised in 2023.  The next stage of the project is pre-implementation (detailed design) starting in 2024. Construction will be in phases and is expected to get underway in late 2025, once funding is finalised.

Pre-implementation (detailed design) gets the project ready for construction and includes property acquisition, planning and consent applications as well as continued discussions with property or business owners where access or road arrangements might change.

The first step in construction will likely be the SH1/Dunns Crossing/Walkers roads roundabout, which needs to operating so traffic can safely cross the highway and access the industrial area and Rolleston township from the south before construction of the flyover begins. The current timeframe is for construction of the flyover to begin in 2026 through to 2029.