- 1980: Need for a ‘Wēiti Crossing,’ or a bridge across the Wēiti River connecting Stillwater to Whangaparāoa, identified.
- Rodney District Council decided that a corridor from East Coast Road to Whangaparāoa Peninsula was the best option.
- The idea for the corridor became known as ‘Penlink’ (shortened from Peninsula Link).
- 2001: The designation, construction and operational resource consents were approved for a two-lane road.
- 2010: Auckland Transport took on the project.
- 2014: Application lodged to alter and re-consent designation as a four-lane road.
- 2015: Decision issued in 2015.
- 2019: Auckland Transport found a two-lane road provides greater value for money.
- 2020: Government announced the project as a New Zealand Upgrade Programme initiative and NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) as the delivery agent.
- 2021: Government confirmed funding for full delivery of project.
- 2022: HEB, Fulton Hogan, Aurecon, Tonkin + Taylor, and NZTA formed the O Mahurangi Alliance to build the project. Mana Whenua gifted the name O Mahurangi to the project.
- 2023: Construction underway.
View the O Mahurangi – Penlink designation boundaries [PDF, 922 KB]
Resource consent conditions are a list of requirements for physical infrastructure projects. These include ecological mitigation plans, landscape plans, archaeological conditions and many others.
Read the project’s resource consent conditions [PDF, 561 KB]