Project introduction

The project will provide a new shared path for walking and cycling between Glen Innes and Tāmaki Drive. The 7km route will enable people to walk, run or cycle from the eastern suburbs to the city centre.

  • Project type

    Walking and cycling
  • Project status


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The route will connect with and expand the Auckland Cycle Network and aligns with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Auckland Transport and Auckland Council to build world class walking and cycling infrastructure that promotes active modes as safe and convenient transport choices.


Provides a missing link in the Auckland Cycle Network, enabling people to connect with routes to Point England and the city centre via Tāmaki Drive.

Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai (the path of land and sea), is expected to become one of the city’s most scenic bike routes. Allowing people to walk, run or cycle from Auckland’s Eastern Bay suburbs to the Waitematā Harbour.

It will provide better connections for active modes and link to public transport and will be popular with commuters and those using the path for fitness and recreation.

Section 2 is open!

Bring your wheels or explore your new local route on foot – Section 2 between St Johns Road and Ōrākei Basin is now open to the community.

View Section 2 pedestrian access maps

Check out some of the highlights from the completion event which saw locals and keen riders from further afield come together to be the first to experience the spectacular new 2.65km section of path.

Route details

  • The shared path is being delivered by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport in four sections to recognise the different consenting and construction challenges of the project.
  • 4-metre wide (approximately) path constructed mostly in concrete. Boardwalks will be used for short water crossings such as Ōrākei Basin.
  • Safe and convenient for people on foot or on bike.
  • Good lighting will extend hours of access, particularly during winter months.
  • The route’s geography is hilly in places, but the design of the path will keep gradients as low as possible.
  • Path design will link into local communities and the project will identify future connections that could be built at a later date.
  • The path connects communities with public transport along the route.
  • Community input will help shape aspects of the path.

Timeline and project progress

Section 1: Merton Road to St Johns Road:

  • Completed 2016
  • Weekly average of 800 trips by people on bikes and on foot.

Section 2: St Johns Road to Ōrākei Basin:

  • Design and consenting complete
  • Funding approved
  • Construction partner appointed - CLL Service and Solutions Ltd
  • Complete mid-2022.

Frequently asked questions on Section 2 [PDF, 457 KB]

Section 2 construction info-pack (construction timeline, methodology and what we are building) [PDF, 3.8 MB]

Section 3: Ōrākei Basin boardwalk:

  • Completed 2019.

Section 4: Ōrākei Basin to Tāmaki Drive:

  • Detailed design underway
  • Consent lodged
  • Funding approved.

Our partners on this project