The Connecting Tairāwhiti – Resilience project aims to strengthen and stabilise State Highway 35 so it can remain open and functional during disruptions such as weather events – allowing locals, visitors and goods to get where they need to go.
The geology of the SH35 coastal route is unstable and highly erodible, and the road is vulnerable to failure — particularly during high rainfall and storm weather events, including Cyclone Gabrielle.
We’ve worked with the community to create a prioritised plan for strengthening and stabilising some of the corridor’s most problematic slip and subsidence sites (places where the road is dropping out or slipping away).
The Connecting Tairāwhiti programme, announced in 2018, includes $13.5m million for improving the resilience of SH35. This project has identified and prioritised a package of resilience improvements to strengthen and stabilise the road.
As well as using a range of traditional engineering techniques, we are implementing a native planting programme to reduce erosion, improve stability, and manage the moisture content in the ground because we know that network failures on SH35 are largely due to erosion.
Some of the other techniques we are using include:
Waka Kotahi is making resilience improvements in the Gisborne region on State Highway 35 (SH35)- which loops around the East Cape.
During consultation on the detailed business case in 2019, stakeholders told us roads more able to withstand weather events would enable the economy to reach its potential, benefit tourism and improve access to essential services in main centres. It will also improve access for social opportunities for locals and visitors alike, and help the region meet climate change challenges.
Through the Connecting Tairāwhiti programme, the Provincial Growth Fund is investing $13.5 million into making these roads more resilient.
CloseThe measures listed above aim to reduce the frequency and duration of disruption on the East Coast network.
It is estimated that there will be annual travel time savings and an improvement in the reliability of the road. The Connecting Tairāwhiti programme, including the Resilience and Passing Opportunities projects, will see a number of other benefits to the Tairāwhiti region:
SH2/SH35 passing opportunities project
CloseA resilient road can withstand adversities and remain open and functional through unforeseen events, as well as day-to-day. People, whānau and businesses still need to get to where they’re going, so we want our roads to absorb and withstand disruptive events.
A resilient road can perform effectively and adapt to changing conditions (including climate change) and recover quickly from disturbances.
CloseAs the Connecting Tairāwhiti programme is delivered over the two-year programme, we will be keeping the community informed. We’ll be sending information out primarily by e-newsletters, website and Facebook updates so locals, visitors and businesses know how road improvements will impact their journey.
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The Connecting Tairāwhiti Resilience project aims to strengthen and stabilise State Highway 35 so it can remain open and functional during disruptions such as weather events – allowing locals, visitors and goods to get where they need to go.
Works are progressing well to reconstruct the slope along the northbound side of the road, and build a retaining wall for future resilience and protection of the state highway.
November 2024
Works on this site are complete.
June 2024 update
Good progress has been made on this site with coastal erosion protection due for completion in June, weather dependant.
Pavement sealing will take place in September, weather dependant.
Significant coastal erosion has occurred at Turihaua Point during recent storm events, leading to undercutting of some sections of the road carriageway. Emergency works have taken place to secure the shoreline, with the next phase being to build a rock revetment wall that will protect the vulnerable coastline for generations to come. This work is expected to take three months to complete, dependant on weather, and started January 2024.
CloseWorks on this site are now complete.
They included slip stabilisation, drainage improvements and native revegetation.
CloseThis project is part of the Tairāwhiti roading package, funded by the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) and the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF).
The Provincial Growth Fund has allocated $13.5 million towards this project.
Provincial Growth Fund(external link)
NLTF: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti regional summary