Through the Transport Sector Research Programme, Waka Kotahi established, in 2021, Post-Graduate Transport Research Scholarships. The purpose of the scholarships are to build capability and capacity in transport research across Aotearoa New Zealand; to inform departmental strategic and operational decision making and to encourage talented individuals into a career in transport. For the 2021–24 period, the Transport Sector Research Programme aims to allocate a total of around $50,000 per annum to the scholarship programme.

Each year the scholarships are awarded to students

  • who are enrolled in, or are eligible to enrol in, full time or part time postgraduate study, at a New Zealand university; and
  • who are completing the research component of their degree in the year immediately following the award (part time scholars have a maximum 2 years to complete); and
  • whose proposed course of study includes a research component with between 30–120 credits remaining in their qualification; and
  • whose research focuses on transport sector strategic priorities as defined the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding.

The scholarships are administered by the New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee - Universities NZ – Te Pōkai Tara on behalf of Waka Kotahi (and the Ministry of Transport). When the application process opens, students can access the scholarship Transport Research Scholarship regulations and apply through the Universities NZ website.

Transport Research Scholarship – Universities NZ website(external link)

Scholarship awards

  • 2024 Transport Research Scholarship awards (NZTA)

    2024 Transport Research Scholarship awards (NZTA)


    Charlotte Harrison

    Course of study

    Masters of Public Health, University of Otago


    Redefining the Ride: Unpacking Aotearoa's Perceptions of Low-Emission Transport

    • Research introduction talk at 9.06 minutes (in recording below)


    Benjamin Ormsby

    Course of study

    Master of Landscape Architecture, Lincoln University


    Use of nature-based solutions in transport to mitigate climate change

    • Research introduction talk at 13.31 minutes (in recording below)


    Anamaria Rodriguez

    Course of study

    Master of Resource and Environmental Planning, Massey University


    Enhancing Inclusivity in Transport: Exploring Immigrant Women's Mobility in Aotearoa


    Tanya Smith

    Course of study

    Master of Urban Resilience and Renewal, University of Canterbury


    Sentient impacts of adaptive urbanism in Christchurch, New Zealand


    Joseph Young

    Course of study

    Master of Urban Resilience and Renewal, University of Canterbury


    Extending the reach of Mass Rapid Transit corridors

    • Research introduction talk at 21.57 minutes (in recording below)


    Evelyn Wen

    Course of study

    Master of Mathematical Sciences, University of Canterbury


    Enhancing First- and Last-Mile Connectivity in Public Transport

    • Research introduction talk at 0.05 minutes (in recording below)

    Scholarship research topic introductions

    On Wednesday 24 April 2024, four (of six) Masters students from the NZ Transport Agency Transport Research Scholarship programme introduced their research to the sector.

    This was a Transport Knowledge Hub event. The event had two purposes:

    • letting the transport sector know the research was being undertaken
    • allowing the students to develop their networks to assist with their research.
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  • 2022 Transport Research Scholarship awards (Waka Kotahi)

    2022 Transport Research Scholarship awards (Waka Kotahi)

    Recipient Kiri Crossland

    Course of study

    Master of Social Science, University of Waikato


    How can public transport be made more accessible to queer people in Aotearoa

    • Research introduction talk at 6.40 minutes
    • Research findings talk at 19.06 minutes
    Recipient Pippa Shepherd

    Course of study

    Master of Urban Resilience and Renewal, University of Canterbury


    Using micro-incentives to encourage behaviour changes in urban and rural contexts

    • Research introduction talk at 76.02 minutes
    • Research findings talk at 0.03 minutes
    Recipient Emily Ward

    Course of study

    Master of Urban Resilience and Renewal, University of Canterbury


    Equitable access in the event of flooding for people who face mobility barriers

    • Research introduction talk at 26.38 minutes
    • Research findings talk at 65.05 minutes
    Recipient Liam Winter

    Course of study

    Master of Urban Planning (MUrbPlan), University of Auckland


    Theory and practice of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in New Zealand

    • Research introduction talk at 84.00 minutes
    • Research findings talk at 40.03 minutes

    Scholarship research topic introductions

    On Wednesday 4 May 2022 eleven Transport Research Scholarship students from both the Waka Kotahi and Ministry of Transport scholarship programmes introduced their research to the sector. This was Transport Knowledge Hub event and a recording of it is available below.

    The event had two purposes, first letting the transport sector know the research was being undertaken and, secondly, allowing the students to develop their networks to assist with their research. The time stamps of the introductory talks of the Waka Kotahi Transport Research Scholarship students are provided above to allow you to find their presentation more directly.

    Scholarship research topic findings

    On Wednesday 26 July 2023 the Waka Kotahi Transport Research Scholarship recipients presented the findings of their research. This was a Knowledge Hub event and a recording is available below. The time stamps of the research findings talks of the are provided above to allow you to find their presentation more directly.

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