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HMEP Toolkit for selecting road maintenance delivery models

The Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme (HMEP) Toolkit delivery model.

REGional workshop 1: The sector helping the sector

The purpose of the workshop was to support the sector in defining what successful
implementation of the the ONRC, Customer Levels of Service (CLoS) and Business Case Approach (BCA) looks like and how to achieve it. (July 2015)

REGional workshop 2: The business case approach (BCA)

The purpose of the workshop was to increase understanding of the business case approach in transport decision making. (November 2015)

REGional workshop 3: Business case approach and ONRC online reporting tool

The purpose of the workshop was to increase RCA understanding of what it will take to develop a business case approach activity management plan (BCA AMP) and how using ONRC data can help inform decision making.

REGional workshop 4: Strategic case and Point of Entry (PoE)

The purpose of the workshop was to reinforce RCA understanding of using the business case approach (BCA) in activity management planning (AMP) and the performance reporting tool.

REGional workshop 5: Customer levels of service and engaging with stakeholders

The purpose of this workshop was to improve understanding of the ONRC Customer Levels of Service (CLoS) outcome measures and support improved engagement and communications.

REGional workshop 6: Customer levels of service and engaging with stakeholders (continued)

The purpose of this workshop was to improve understanding of how to use the ONRC Customer Levels of Service/Performance Measures in the BCA AMP and support improved engagement and communications.

REGional workshop 7: Strategic case, business case, communications and engagement

The purpose of this workshop was to increase familiarity and confidence with the BCA process by reviewing each other's draft strategic cases and collectively developing the content for the Programme Business Case (PBC) to cover maintenance, operations and renewals.

REGional workshop 8: Reviewing content for the Programme Business Case, Investment Assessment Criteria and links to GPS Transport

The purpose of this workshop was to increase familiarity and confidence with the BCA process by reviewing each other's worked example and how the NZ Transport Agency's investment assessment criteria work with the development of your Programme Business Case.