Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.

This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.


Funding assistance rates (FARs) are the funding contribution, in percentage terms, that we (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency as investor) make to an approved organisation for its eligible land transport activities. This section of the Planning and Information Knowledge Base (PIKB) provides information on the FARs that will be applied in the 2021–24 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). FARs are reviewed every three years, before each NLTP.

FAR policy

FAR policy governs how we set the FARs, defines the criteria for adjustments and front-loading of FARs, and explains situations where we may agree to higher-than-normal targeted enhanced FARs. Section 20C of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 requires Waka Kotahi to set the rate of funding assistance from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF). This currently averages 53% of the cost of local transport programmes.

For more information on FAR policy, see:

Funding assistance rates policy

FARs for the 2021–24 NLTP

There are three categories of FARs:

  1. Normal FARs apply to all approved organisations for most activities. The model used to set normal FARs may be viewed at:
    Normal FAR 2021–24 model [XLSX, 1.1 MB]
  2. Targeted enhanced FARs (TEFARs). These apply to specific activities approved in exceptional circumstances and time-limited periods and help approved organisations bring forward additional projects by reducing their ‘local share’ requirement. Those activities that were approved for funding in the 2018-21 period at a TEFAR and that will continue to incur expenditure in 2021-24, will continue to be funded at TEFAR to the extent they continue to meet requirements.
    Targeted enhanced funding assistance rates
  3. Other FARs, eg variations to normal FARs. These apply to:
    1. special purpose roads (SPRs) maintenance programmes, including low-cost, low-risk improvements
    2. Total Mobility activities – the Ministry of Transport plans to conduct a full review of this scheme in 2021, after which we will review the FARs for Total Mobility activities.

For more information on variations to normal FARs, see:
Other funding assistance rates