Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.

This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.


The Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) 2021 sets priorities, objectives, long-, medium- and short-term results, and ranges of funding for activity classes to guide decision makers on where and how to prioritise investment.

Government Policy Statement on land transport 2021(external link)

The GPS 2021 does not determine the individual activities that will be funded, or how much funding any particular activity will receive. The role of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is to give effect to the GPS including the activity class funding ranges, alongside its other Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA) obligations. We (Waka Kotahi as investor) achieve this by using the Investment Prioritisation Method to determine which proposals should receive funding within the activity class funding ranges set in the GPS 2021.

Land Transport Management Act 2003(external link)

Four strategic priorities

The GPS 2021 has four strategic priorities:

  • safety
  • better travel options
  • improved freight connections
  • climate change.

These priorities are expected to guide land transport investments from 2021/22 to 2030/31.

Details about the strategic priorities are found in the GPS 2021.

Government Policy Statement on land transport 2021(external link)

Government commitments

In addition to the four strategic priorities, GPS 2021 identifies the Auckland Transport Alignment Project programme (ATAP), Let’s Get Wellington Moving programme (LGWM), Road to Zero and New Zealand Rail Plan as government commitments that will make significant contributions to achieving the GPS 2021 strategic priorities.

To realise the GPS 2021 intentions, forthcoming national land transport programmes must meet investment expectations for the government commitments as set out in the GPS 2021. GPS 2021 states that the Minister expects Waka Kotahi to help deliver the four government commitments by:

  • establishing three-year investment targets for government commitments
  • proactively managing progress across programmes (responding to slower or quicker delivery) in order to reach investment targets for government commitments
  • establishing specific reporting on Road to Zero that demonstrates it delivers on the measures in the Road to Zero strategy and action plan
  • establishing specific reporting on LGWM and supporting the ATAP reporting process
  • supporting the implementation of the New Zealand Rail Plan.

Details about government commitments are found in the GPS 2021.

Government Policy Statement on land transport 2021(external link)

Further information

On the Waka Kotahi website you can find further details of GPS implications for Waka Kotahi and approved organisations, including guidance on how the GPS will be applied in the National Land Transport Fund and National Land Transport Programme.

Government Policy Statement on land transport