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This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.


This page outlines the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Investment Prioritisation Method, which applies to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). We (Waka Kotahi as investor) use the Investment Prioritisation Method to prioritise activities proposed for the 2021–24 NLTP to ensure the 2021-24 NLTP gives effect to government priorities and direction as outlined in the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) 2021. 

2021–24 NLTP

Government Policy Statement on land transport 2021(external link)

The three factors for investment prioritisation

In applying the Investment Prioritisation Method for the 2021–24 NLTP, we will consider the following three factors in the assessment of each proposed activity:

  1. GPS alignment – how a proposed activity aligns with a GPS strategic priority, and its potential contribution to achieving the GPS strategic priority. The GPS 2021 has four strategic priorities: safety, better travel options, improved freight connections, climate change.
    GPS alignment factor
  1. Scheduling – how critical or interdependent the proposed activity is in relation to activities in a programme, package or network.
  2. Efficiency – indication of expected return on investment through cost–benefit analysis. An indicative efficiency rating tool will be used to calculate an indicative efficiency rating when the proposed activity does not yet have a calculated benefit–cost ratio.
    Scheduling and efficiency factors

We have created rating criteria tables for each of the three factors to determine the degree to which proposals align with the priorities and results sought in the GPS 2021 and meet the scheduling and efficiency factors.

Determining and applying the priority order of activities

We assign a priority order to each improvement activity by using the three prioritisation factors in a matrix.

Determining the priority order of an activity or combination of activities

Activities that achieve a priority order above an investment threshold in their activity class are included in the NLTP. The Waka Kotahi Board sets the investment threshold based on the funding range for each activity class as set out in the GPS 2021.

2021–24 NLTP activity classes and work categories

Continuous programmes included in some activity classes are prioritised separately. Examples of these programmes are maintenance, operations and renewals programme, road safety promotion programme and public transport operations.

Individual low-cost, low-risk activities have a threshold of up to $2 million and are assessed in a similar way to continuous programmes.

Definitions and description of criteria

Information is provided on terms with specific meanings in the context of the Investment Prioritisation Method and in the tables supporting the assessment of the three Investment Prioritisation Method factors: GPS alignment, scheduling and efficiency.

Investment Prioritisation Method definitions and description of criteria