Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.
This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.
This page provides the process diagram and steps for the development of the Road Safety Partnership Programme (RSPP).
The process diagram shows all process steps and who needs to perform them.
Process diagram for developing the Road Safety Partnership Programme [PDF, 289 KB]
Developing the RSPP involves several steps.
Development of the Road Safety Partnership Programme
- The RSPP team and steering group, involving members from NZ Police, Ministry of Transport and Waka Kotahi, update the RSPP process (if required) taking into account: any revision to the government safety strategy, Waka Kotahi investment signals arising from the GPS, and lessons learnt from the current RSPP approach.
- Waka Kotahi and police data and intelligence resources confirm evidence base and identify and major risks to the delivery of road safety outcomes.
- Waka Kotahi, police, Ministry of Transport subject matter experts (including testing with internal and external groups) agree current state and establish/confirm road safety outcome, intermediate outcomes, associated measures and accountabilities.
- Waka Kotahi and police RSPP business owners complete alternative and options analysis using the Waka Kotahi integrated intervention logic mapping and other tools to determine the RSPP contribution to the proposed road safety outcome.
- The RSPP team develops the draft RSPP investment case by applying the police intervention logic model and optimising the programme. The team also sets performance measures and outcomes for the draft programme.
- The RSPP steering group endorses the draft RSPP content considering its fit with the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS).
- RSPP investment case is submitted to us (Waka Kotahi as investor).
Approval of the Road Safety Partnership Programme
The following are the steps for approving the RSPP:
- We complete assessment and investment quality assurance (IQA) of the investment case, which includes both the continuous investment programme and any improvement initiatives and prepare board papers with appropriate recommendations.
- The Waka Kotahi Board recommends approval of the RSPP to the Minister of Transport. The Minister of Transport receives recommendation(s) and seeks Ministry of Transport advice.
- The Ministry of Transport provides advice to the minister.
- The Ministry of Transport consults with the Minister of Police and approves the programme. We ensure the funding approval is registered in Transport Investment Online.
- We update the RSPP section of the website and publish it.
Waka Kotahi develops timelines for development of the RSPP with NZ Police and the Ministry of Transport. The usual practice is for the board to agree to recommend the RSPP to the Minister prior to its adoption of the NLTP, with the minister approving the programme within a few months.