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This page relates to the 2018-21 National Land Transport Programme.

 IntroductionBack to top

This section provides the process diagram and steps for approved organisations and Waka Kotahi NZ  Transport Agency (state highways) to prepare their transport programmes for input to a regional land transport plan (RLTP).

Process diagramBack to top

The process diagram shows all process steps and who needs to perform them.


Process stepsBack to top


  • Prior to release of the final GPS

    Steps prior to release of the final GPS:

    1. Prior to release of the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS), Waka Kotahi reviews regional transport issues, develops a national picture (including a 30 year view), and develops planning and investment signals.
    2. Also prior to release of the GPS, Waka Kotahi provides national and regional investment signals to approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (state highways) and regional transport committees (RTCs) based on the current GPS and emerging Government priorities. The deadline for RLTP submission (initial or reviewed document and programme) is provided at this time.
    3. Approved organisations, Waka Kotahi (state highways), RTCs and Waka Kotahi identify/review regional transport issues and discuss RLTP alignment to planning & investment signals. The processes and timelines for input of approved organisation and Waka Kotahi (state highways) transport programmes to the RLTP are established.
    4. When the draft GPS and the Waka Kotahi Investment Assessment Framework are released, Waka Kotahi investment signals are strengthened and the RLTP processes and timelines are checked to ensure the RLTP delivery deadline is met.
    5. Approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (state highways) draft or update proposed land transport activities in Transport Investment Online (external link)(external link)(TIO). Note that drafting continuous programmes will only be possible once the templates have been updated for the next NLTP. 
    6. Waka Kotahi discusses with approved organisations, Waka Kotahi (state highways) and RTCs the proposed activities and their alignment to the draft GPS and considers their affordability and value for money. Waka Kotahi commences negotiations with approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (state highways) on programmed activities, eg road maintenance programmes.
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  • Once the final GPS has been released

    Steps once the final GPS has been released:

    1. When the final GPS and Investment Assessment Framework are released, Waka Kotahi confirms its investment signals and the RLTP delivery deadline.
    2. Approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (state highways) complete information requirements for their proposed activities and submit these for inclusion in the RLTP via TIO.
    3. RTCs review the completeness of information provide for proposed activities and their eligibility, and decide whether to accept them into the RLTP.
    4. Waka Kotahi assists RTCs with the review of activities and information provided in TIO and provides feedback to assist development/review of the RLTP.
    5. If the activity is not accepted into the RLTP, the RTC informs the approved organisation and Waka Kotahi (state highways) of the reason(s) for its decision.
    6. The approved organisation and Waka Kotahi (state highways) then decides whether to modify the activity and resubmit it to the RTC (at Step 5), or to withdraw the activity.
    7. If the approved organisation and Waka Kotahi (state highways) decides to withhold the activity from the RLTP it may also decide to withdraw it from TIO, otherwise it will stay in TIO as "submitted to RLC".
    8. If the RTC agrees to accept the activity into the RLTP, the approved organisation and Waka Kotahi (state highways) reviews the activities in response to RLTP consultation (if any is required) and negotiation with Waka Kotahi.
    9. The approved organisation, Waka Kotahi (state highways) and Waka Kotahi finalise negotiations on programmed activities. The approved organisation and Waka Kotahi (state highways) makes any final inputs to TIO for the final RLTP, eg where activities have been reviewed in response to any RLTP consultation.
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TimelinesBack to top

Waka Kotahi will provide timelines for programme development as part of its planning and investment signals. Some of these will be indicative initially, eg NLTP adoption, until confirmed by the Waka Kotahi Board. Others will cover a broad timing range, given that different RTCs will establish different timelines for their regions. The timelines will also vary amongst RTCs depending on whether the RLTP is being developed or reviewed, and whether consultation is required if it is being reviewed.

Specific programme developmentBack to top

Guidance around aspects of developing specific programmes and activities is provided in the activity class section at the following links: