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This page relates to the 2018-21 National Land Transport Programme.

IntroductionBack to top

Work category 432 provides for the development and implementation of activities that address the safe use of the land transport network. 

Safety promotion, education and advertising activities promote the safe use of the land transport network through education, advertising, awareness raising and by public information to users of the transport network.

Safety promotion, education and advertising activities have the following objectives:

  • advancing the priorities and initiatives identified in the Safer Journeys Strategy(external link) and its action plan
  • achieving safer outcomes by working with communities to identify and address local land transport safety issues
  • developing and motivating national, regional and local land transport safety partnerships to ensure an integrated approach to safety outcomes.

Integrated programmes and alignment of resourcesBack to top

Activities must use Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency endorsed best practice guidelines and examples.

Road safety action planning should ensure that local, national, NZ Police and partnering organisations leverage off each other by coordinating their respective programmes for best effect.

Promotion, education and advertising activities achieve their greatest impact when there is consistency in the messaging. Waka Kotahi encourages approved organisations and Waka Kotahi staff to plan the content and timing of local road safety promotion activities to coincide with activities at the national level where appropriate and possible.

Qualifying activitiesBack to top

To qualify under this work category an activity must give effect to national and local priorities by contributing to the outcomes of:

  • regional and local issues or opportunities identified within road safety action plans or activity management plans, or
  • a relevant business case
  • nationally delivered activities identified within the Waka Kotahi business plan.


  • Examples of qualifying activities

    Examples of qualifying activities include, but may not be limited to:

    • workshops, seminars or displays to raise awareness of national, regional and local land transport safety issues
    • safety education in schools, driver education and information, walking and cycling safety
    • advertising (eg billboards, radio, television, digital, print and other media)
    • delivery of education, advertising, awareness raising or public information initiatives that reinforce or complement related activities across the NLTP (eg integrated packages of activities)
    • provision of integrated advice, information and support to community groups
    • preparation and implementation of travel plans and neighbourhood accessibility plans that address identified safety risks and may be supported by infrastructure improvements.
    • driver licensing courses where subsets of the community have not moved through the graduated licence system and require support to do so

    Talk to Waka Kotahi about whether other potential activities not listed above might also be eligible for inclusion in this work category.

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  • Exclusions

    Work category 432 excludes:

    • physical works (engineering, road signs or markings) or services required to support qualifying activities, including the purchase or maintenance of capital items - these are funded through the appropriate improvement work categories
    • travel behaviour change activities, including the preparation of travel plans and neighbourhood accessibility plans, and associated education and promotion initiatives not targeted towards safety – these are funded under work category 421: Travel demand management
    • network user information activities that do not have a significant safety outcome – eg congestion relief, travel planning, or mode shift promotion - these activities may be considered within work category 421: Travel demand management
    • sponsorship of a third party to provide “advertising of the message is not considered to be an effective means of user behaviour change 
    • driver licensing training or education courses that diminish probationary time on a license
    • public transport promotion services, that are funded from work category 514: PT facilities operations and maintenance.
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Funding assistance rateBack to top

The usual funding assistance rate (FAR) is:

  • the approved organisation's normal FAR, or
  • 100% of Waka Kotahi costs.

Where a cluster of approved organisations and/or Waka Kotahi is formed to deliver road safety promotion programmes a weighted average funding assistance rate will be calculated and manually entered into Transport Investment Online. Weighting of individual normal FARs and the Waka Kotahi 100% rate will be based on their proposed financial contributions to the programme over the NLTP.

Non-financial contributions will not be considered part of the total project cost, and will not be eligible for financial assistance.

Approved organisations and Waka Kotahi are able to accept financial contributions from other parties as a contribution to the total cost. If the financial contribution to the activity changes the scope of that activity, the contribution will be treated as third party funding and is deducted from the total cost before calculating the Waka Kotahi funding assistance (ie that part is not eligible for funding assistance).

  • Illustrative examples

    An example of where third party funding has changed the scope of the activity is: 

    • A cycle skills training is developed to target the three schools located on a town’s strategic cycle network. A local bicycle shop offers to contribute to the programme to support the training and enable the inclusion of a fourth school, which Waka Kotahi has decided does not have enough priority for National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) investment.
    • The bicycle shop’s contribution is then allocated to cover the total costs of the fourth school and therefore is excluded from the calculation of the Waka Kotahi funding assistance. Any remaining contribution can be treated as part of the local share.

    An example of where the scope is not changed and financial contributions from other parties can be counted as local share is:

    • A commercial sponsor provides funding for cycle skills training or the Bikes in Schools programme in schools in a city. The skills training is delivered by the usual council provider (qualified instructor) as it is part of a council cycling education strategy and delivered in line with national guidelines.
    • The financial contribution can be treated as part of the local share as there is no change to the scope. If it totals more than the local share of the total financial cost, then the Waka Kotahi financial assistance will be calculated on the balance of total cost after it is reduced by the amount above the local share.
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Applying for funding approvalBack to top

Applications for funding approval should be made through the road safety promotion module in TIO.