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Funding and transport – dashboard and open data

The funding and transport dashboard shows funding and performance data for the following transport-related activities.

  • Expenditure on major transport-related activities by Approved Organisations.
  • Performance of public transport services provided by Approved Organisations.
  • Performance of total mobility services provided by Approved Organisations.
  • Vehicle use (VKT, or ‘vehicle kilometres travelled’) within Road Controlling Authority areas, in each region and in New Zealand.
  • The condition of the surface and pavement of local roads and state highways, as well as the quality of ride people experience by Road Controlling Authority areas, each region and New Zealand as a whole.
  • The number and length of infrastructure in Road Controlling Authority areas, each region and New Zealand as a whole.
  • The number and length of roads built, reconstructed or ‘seal extended’ in Road Controlling Authority areas, each region and New Zealand as a whole.

You can find further information underneath the dashboard, including caveats, a glossary and a user guide.

You can also download the data behind the dashboard by clicking on the ‘export’ icon at the top right of the dashboard table. 

Funding and transport dashboard user guide [PDF, 1.8 MB]

Data caveats and definitions

Access the full dataset

If you have any questions or feedback on this dashboard and data, email us at

The data comes from Waka Kotahi investment partners, government and non-government sources.

Data reuse caveats

As per license (CC-BY 4.0 International). 

Data quality statement and caveats

All Local Authority data comes from those organisations. Waka Kotahi only performs high-level checks on the data – it doesn’t have control of data quality, including accuracy and completeness. 

Data definitions

Group Sub-group Category Details
Infrastructure work completed Road - new and improved [General definition] Works completed for new and improved roads by approved organisations, in each region, and also in New Zealand.
New roads The construction of a new road or road link that is additional to the existing road network, including any associated new road structures.
Road reconstruction Improvements to or upgrades of existing roads.
Seal extension The sealing of existing unsealed roads.
Road - renewal [General definition] Works completed for the renewal of existing roads by approved organisations, in each region, and also in New Zealand.
Resurfacing Renewals based on resurfacing or reseals. 
Unsealed road metalling Renewals based on unsealed road metalling.
Pavement rehabilitation Renewals based on rehabilitation of (pavement rehabilitation, area wide pavement treatment, pavement smoothing).
Bridge - new [General definition] Works completed for bridges by approved organisations, in each region, and in New Zealand.
New bridges Works for the construction of new bridges.
Bridge - renewal [General definition] Works completed for bridges by approved organisations, in each region, and in New Zealand.
Bridge renewals Works for the upgrade or replacement of existing bridges.
Infrastructure Roads [General definition] Road length (km and Lane km) in New Zealand, the regions and approved organisations (AO).
Sealed road Roads that are sealed.
Unsealed road Roads that are not sealed.
Urban road A road having a speed limit of less than 70 km/h.
Rural road A road having a speed limit of 70 km/h or more.
Cycleway [General definition] Cycleway length (km) in New Zealand, the regions and approved organisations (AO).
Cycleway A longitudinal strip within a roadway reserved by a marking or sign designed for the passage of cycles.
Bridges [General definition] Bridge length (metres) and number in New Zealand, the regions and approved organisations (AO).
Single lane Bridges where there is only a single lane.
Speed only Bridges where there is a speed restriction (but no weight restriction).
Timber Bridges made out of timber.
Weight Bridges that have a weight restriction. Some of these bridges may also have a speed restriction.
Network condition Network condition [General definition] The network condition information in New Zealand, the regions and approved organisations.
CI (condition index) Condition Index by approved organisations, in each authority, region, and in New Zealand.
The Condition Index (CI) is  a single index summarising sealed road surface condition based on visually measured condition defects (from RAMM rating).
PII (pavement integrity index) Pavement Integrity Index by approved organisations, in each authority, region, and in New Zealand.
The Pavement Integrity Index (PII) is a combined index of the pavement faults in sealed road surfaces. It is a ‘weighted sum’ of the pavement defects divided by total lane length. PII combines surface faults (CI) with rutting and shoving. 100 - PII ensures that the higher the number the greater the pavement integrity. Pavement integrity index (PII) and the routine for calculating it using the RAMM software, was introduced in the 2003/04 year.
STE (smooth travel exposure) Smooth Travel Exposure by approved organisations, in each authority, region, and in New Zealand.
Smooth Travel Exposure (STE%) measures the proportion (%) of vehicle kilometres travelled in a year (VKT) that occurs on ‘smooth’ sealed roads and indicates the ride quality experienced by motorists.
Vehicle kilometers travelled Vehicle kilometers travelled [General definition] Vehicle kilometres travelled information in New Zealand, regions and approved organisations.
SH/LR Information on kilometres travelled on state highway (SH) and local roads (LR) by approved organisations, in each territorial authority, region and in New Zealand.
Vehicle class Information on kilometres travelled by vehicle class by approved organisations, in each territorial authority, region and in New Zealand (only available for SH).
Urban/rural Information on kilometres travelled on urban and rural roads by approved organisations, in each territorial authority, region and in New Zealand.
Seal/unseal Information on kilometres travelled on sealed and unsealed roads by approved organisations, in each territorial authority, region and in New Zealand.
Public transport Public transport [General definition] The public transport performance information in New Zealand and the regions.
Boardings Number of passenger boardings on bus/ferry/train.
Fares Fares paid for the use of a public transport system.
SuperGold fare substitute Fare substituted by the SuperGold Card programme.
Fleet size The number buses, train carriages and ferries in each regional fleet.
Passenger kilometres Average trip length multiplied by total boardings over a specific time period.
Service kilometres The distance travelled by buses, trains and ferries while in-service.
Boardings SuperGold Number of passenger boardings on bus/ferry/train with SuperGold card.
Total mobility Total mobility [General definition] Total Mobility performance information in New Zealand and the regions.
Funded in partnership by local and central government, the total mobility scheme subsidises taxi services to people with serious mobility constraints that prevent them from using public transport.
It provides:
- vouchers that discount the normal taxi fare by 50%
- funding to help purchase and install wheelchair hoists in taxi vans
- payment to the owner of the vehicle for every hoist trip made
The scheme is managed and operated by mobility coordinators in regional councils.
Boardings Number of passenger boardings on total mobility services.
Fares Fares paid for the use of total mobility services.
Persons registered Number of people registered in the total mobility programme.
Wheelchair hoists in operation The number of wheelchair hoists in operation.
Wheelchair hoists installed this year The number of wheelchair hoists installed in the year.
Funding All activities [General definition] Transport-related expenditure funded by Waka Kotahi (Waka Kotahi share) and approved organisations (local share).
Freight Expenditure for freight operation and freight infrastructure
Investment management and transport planning The investment management activity class covers transport planning, sector research and management of the funding allocation system activities.
Promotion, education and demand management Activities delivered under the promotion of road safety and demand management activity class promote the safe, efficient and effective use of the land transport network through education, advertising, raising awareness and provision of public information.
Public Transport Expenditure for public transport services and public transport infrastructure
Road Improvements Road improvements consist of local road, state highway and regional improvements activity classes as well as the Crown funded Accelerated Regional State Highway Programme activities.
Road Maintenance Road maintenance covers two activity classes; Local Road Maintenance and State Highway Maintenance.
Road Policing The road policing funding  provides for the development and implementation of enforcement, prevention and deterrence, and education activities that address the safe use of the land transport system.
Walking & cycling The walking and cycling activity class comprises improvement activities, delivered either as walking facilities or cycling facilities, the latter including shared walk- and cycleways.
Investment management [General definition] Transport-related on investment management expenditure funded by Waka Kotahi (Waka Kotahi share) and approved organisations (local share).
Activity management planning Work category 003 provides for the preparation or upgrading of land transport activity management plans (AMPs) and their component plans such as road safety action plans, speed management plans, demand management plans and procurement strategies.
Programme Business Case Development Work category 004 provides for funding assistance for the costs of preparing programme business cases under the Business Case Approach, including supporting evidence collection and model application.
Programme management Work category 911 provides guidance on Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s nationally delivered activities for management of the funding allocation system (MoFAS), including programme management of the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). The NLTP covers activities funded from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) as well as Crown-funded activities managed by Waka Kotahi.
Regional land transport planning management Work category 001 provides for the management of regional authority statutory land transport planning activities related to the development and management of regional land transport plans (RLTPs).
Studies, strategies & models Work category 811 provides guidance on the sector research programme managed by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
We (Waka Kotahi as investor) manage this work category in consultation with the Ministry of Transport and local government. The primary avenue for input on research topics is through the Transport Knowledge Hub’s topic hubs. The programme purchases research from external researchers.
Transport model development Work category 004 provides for funding assistance for transport model development.
Public transport [General definition] Transport-related expenditure on public transport funded by Waka Kotahi (Waka Kotahi share) and approved organisations (local share).
Bus services Work category 511 provides for contracted bus public transport services that are set out in the current regional public transport plan (RPTP) prepared in accordance with Part 5 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
Ferry services Work category 512 provides for contracted ferry public transport services that are set out in the current regional public transport plan (RPTP) prepared in accordance with Part 5 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
Public transport infrastructure Work category 531 provides for the capital cost of all new or improved public transport facilities and infrastructure, exceeding $1,000,000 per activity, and like-for-like replacement/renewal of public transport facilities and infrastructure of more than $5 million total cost per activity.Work category 532 provides for the construction/implementation of low-cost, low-risk public transport improvements, to a maximum total approved cost per project of $2 million.
Work category 534 provides for the like-for-like renewal of facilities and infrastructure associated with the delivery of contracted public transport services.
Work category 540 provides for new or improved infrastructure on or directly related to key corridors designated as ‘rapid transit’.
work category 545 provided for activities primarily related to ‘below-track’ improvements on the rail network that enhance the reliability and capacity of the passenger rail service, enabling better access to housing and employment.
Work category 561 provides for the capital cost of all new or improved bus facilities and infrastructure for contracted bus services.
Work category 562 provides for the capital cost of all new or improved ferry facilities and infrastructure for contracted ferry services.
Work category 563 provides for all new or improved facilities and infrastructure for contracted rail services.
Public transport operations and maintenance Work category 181 provides for all activities associated with the management, operation, renewal and improvement of KiwiRail’s national rail network as set out in the Rail Network Investment Programme (RNIP) approved by the Minister of Transport.
Work category 514 provides for the management, operation and maintenance of off-vehicle facilities and infrastructure associated with the delivery of public transport services separately identified by mode or for multi-modal use.
Work category 524 provides for off-vehicle management, operations and maintenance costs that support the delivery of bus, ferry and rail public transport services and Total Mobility.
Work category 525 provides for ongoing operational, maintenance and management costs associated with electronic information and data management systems such as electronic ticketing and fare systems, real-time information systems and associated operating systems necessary to support the delivery and operation of bus, ferry and rail public transport and Total Mobility services.Work category 525 provides for ongoing operational, maintenance and management costs associated with electronic information and data management systems such as electronic ticketing and fare systems, real-time information systems and associated operating systems necessary to support the delivery and operation of bus, ferry and rail public transport and Total Mobility services.
Work category 554 provides for new technology solutions to improve the performance of contracted bus, ferry and rail services.
Rail services Work category 515 provides for contracted rail public transport services that are set out in the current regional public transport plan (RPTP) prepared in accordance with Part 5 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
SuperGold card operations Work category 522 funded by Crown appropriation with the provision for a last resort top up of SuperGold funding to local government from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) (public transport services activity class). The Crown appropriation is managed by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency on behalf of the Ministry of Transport.
Total mobility operations Work category 517 provides for door-to-door subsidised taxi or specialist transport provider trips for people with disabilities and includes the administration, maintenance and operation of facilities and equipment associated with the Total Mobility scheme.
Work category 519 provides for the purchase and installation of wheelchair hoists or ramps for Total Mobility services.
Work category 521 provides for the payment of Total Mobility trips using a wheelchair hoist or ramp.
Road improvements [General definition] Transport-related expenditure on maintenance, operations and renewals funded by Waka Kotahi (Waka Kotahi share) and approved organisations (local share).
Bridges & structures replacement Work category 322 provides for the upgrade or replacement of existing bridges and other road structures, where this is the main purpose of the work.
Minor improvements Work category 341 provides for the construction/implementation of low cost, low risk improvements to the transport system to a maximum total cost for approval per project of $1,000,000.
New roads Work category 323 provides for the construction of a new road or road link that is additional to the existing road network, including any associated new road structures.
Property purchase Combination of Work category 331, 332 and  333
Work category 331 provides for the purchase of land by the Transport Agency for new and improved roading infrastructure for state highway.
Work category 332 provides for the purchase of land by Approved Organisations for local road improvements. The application for funding approval is made at the same time the application is made for implementation funding.
Work category 333 provides for property acquisition for local roading purposes, prior to the Transport Agency approving funding for the construction/implementation of a project.
Road improvements Combination of Work category 241, 324 and 357.
Work category 241 provides for non-routine work required to protect the serviceability of roads, road structures, and eligible cycle facilities from damage, and to minimise the threat of road closure arising from natural phenomena.
Work category 324 provides for improvements to or upgrading of existing roads and intersections within the existing or widened road reserve and deviations onto a new road reserve, where the original road is closed, including any associated new road structures.
Work category 357 provides for non-routine work to increase the resilience of the existing road network (including roads, road structures and eligible walking and cycling facilities). This work category also provides for non-routine work to minimise the threat of road closure from natural phenomena.
Seal extension Work category 325 provides for the sealing of existing unsealed roads.
Traffic management facilities Work category 321 provides for new facilities and equipment that support the safe management and operation of the road network.
Road maintenance [General definition] Transport-related expenditure on road safety funded by Waka Kotahi (Waka Kotahi share) and approved organisations (local share).
Cycle path maintenance Combination of Work category 124 and 224.
Work category 124 provides for the operation, maintenance and renewal of cycle and shared path facilities, including the operation of associated lighting.
Work category 224 provides for the renewal of existing cycle paths and shared path facilities, associated street lighting and traffic management equipment and facilities.
Drainage maintenance Combination of Work category 113 and 213
Work category 113 provides for the routine care of drainage facilities to maintain their function.
Work category 213 provides for the renewal of drainage facilities that is not routine in nature, but will reduce future maintenance costs.
Emergency works Combination of Work category 140 and 141.
Work category 140 enables funding from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) for the response to minor, short duration, natural events that reduce service levels on part of the transport network.
Work category 141 covers assets, facilities and services eligible for funding from the NLTF that require: any immediate response for public safety or to provide vital access.
Environmental maintenance Combination of Work category 121 and 221.
Work category 121 provides for the routine care and attention of the road corridor to maintain safety, aesthetic and environmental standards.
Work category 221 provides for the renewal of existing environmental control facilities related to roads.
Footpath maintenance Combination of Work category 125 and 225.
Work category 125 provides for the operation, maintenance and renewal of public footpaths and facilities associated with public footpaths, such as pedestrian network connections, including stairs, alleyways and off-road connections.
Work category 225 provides for the renewal of public footpaths and facilities associated with public footpaths, such as pedestrian network connections, including stairs, alleyways and off-road connections.
Level crossing warning devices Work category 131 provides for approved organisations and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (for its own activities) to share the costs associated with the maintenance and renewal of rail level crossing warning devices carried out by the relevant rail track authority where the crossing is part of the road controlling authority’s road, cycle or footpath network. This includes public access links to rail stations and interchanges.
Network and asset management Combination of Work category 151 and 171.
Work category 151 provides for the general management and control of the road network and management of road assets including public footpaths and cycleways and  associated facilities.
Work category 171 provides for grants to approved organisations at the discretion of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (as investor).
Operational traffic management Work category 123 provides for the operation, maintenance and power costs of traffic signals and other traffic management equipment and facilities.
Pavement maintenance Combination of Work category 111, 112 and 214.
Work category 111 provides for the routine care of sealed pavements to maintain their structural integrity and serviceability.
Work category 112 provides for the routine care of unsealed pavements to maintain their structural integrity and serviceability.
Work category 214 provides for the replacement of, or restoration of strength to, sealed pavements where other forms of maintenance and renewal are no longer economic.
Property management Work category 161 provides for activities and costs associated with the management of property purchased by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency for future transport improvements and properties held for operational purposes.
Sealed road resurfacing Work category 212 provides for the planned periodic resurfacing of sealed roads.
Structures maintenance Combination of Work category 114, 215 and 216.
Work category 114 provides for the routine work necessary to maintain the function, structural integrity and appearance of road bridges, retaining structures, guardrails, tunnels, stock access structures, vehicular ferries, cattle stops, pedestrian over-bridges/underpasses and bridge waterways when the bridge itself is directly affected.
Work category 215 provides for the renewal of components of road bridges, retaining structures, guardrails, tunnels, stock access structures, cattle stops, footpaths on road structures, pedestrian over-bridges/underpasses.
Work category 216 provides for the like-for-like replacement of bridges and structures which, because of their condition, are at the end of their serviceable life.
Traffic services maintenance Work category 122 provides for the routine care and attention of road features that support the safety performance and functional use of the road furniture, pavement markings and carriageway and pedestrian crossing lighting.
 Work category 222 provides for the renewal of existing road furniture, lighting, signs, markings and traffic management equipment and facilities.
Unsealed road metalling Work category 211 provides for the planned periodic renewal of pavement layers, including top surface metal, on unsealed roads.
Promotion, education and demand management [General definition] Funding put towards road safety promotion.
Promotion, education and advertising Work category 432 provides for the development and implementation of activities that address the safe use of the land transport network. 
Travel demand management Work category 421 provides for travel demand management activities to improve the performance of the land transport system by changing transport demand and travel behaviour.
Walking and cycling [General definition] Funding put towards construction of new walking and cycling facilities.
Cycle Facilities Work category 452 provides for the construction/implementation of new or improved cycle facilities, and shared pedestrian and cycle paths.
Walking Facilities Work category 451 provides for the construction/implementation of new or improved walking facilities.
Minor improvements Work category 341 provides for the construction/implementation of low-cost, low-risk improvements to a maximum total approved cost per project of $2 million.
Freight Freight Work category 442 provides for operational activities associated with the coastal shipping activity class.
Road policing Road policing Work category 711 provides for the development and implementation of enforcement, prevention and deterrence, and education activities that address the safe use of the land transport system.


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