Note that these are corporate offices and that public services are unavailable at these offices.
Refer to the frequently asked questions page to find the appropriate agent for driver licensing, booking a practical driving test, renewing regos, vehicle certification (eg warrant of fitness) and where to pay for tolls.
44 Bowen Street
Wellington 6011
Private Bag 6995
Marion Square
Wellington 6141
New Zealand
PO Box 5084
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Level 5, AON Centre
29 Customs Street West
Private Bag 106602
Auckland City
Auckland 1143
New Zealand
3rd Floor, Harrington House
32 Harington Street
PO Box 13055
Tauranga Central
Tauranga 3141
New Zealand
Level 1, Deloitte Building
24 Anzac Parade
PO Box 973
Waikato Mail Centre
Hamilton 3240
New Zealand
Private Bag 11777
Manawatu Mail Centre
Palmerston North 4442
New Zealand
44 Bowen Street
Wellington 6011
Private Bag 6995
Marion Square
Wellington 6141
New Zealand
PO Box 5084
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Marlborough Roads
Unit 2.4, Level 1, The Forum
52 Market Street
Please note the upcoming move to our new address:
Marlborough Roads
PO Box 1031
Blenheim 7240
New Zealand