The easiest way to change your address is online. You’ll need your New Zealand driver licence number, and the plate numbers of any vehicles in your name. You can update your address for your driver licence at the same time.
Change your contact details online
If you don't have a New Zealand driver licence or you want to change the address for a company or organisation, you'll need to complete a different form.
Change of vehicle address – no driver licence
Change of vehicle address – organisation
You need to let Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency know so we can take it out of your name.
The quickest and easiest way to do this is online.
Let us know you’ve sold a vehicle
If you don’t let us know, then you could end up getting someone else’s fines and infringements. We recommend that you let us know you've sold the vehicle before you hand the keys over to the buyer.
You need to let Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency know when you have bought a vehicle so we can record you as the registered person.
The quickest and easiest way to let us know you've bought a vehicle is online.
Let us know you’ve bought a vehicle
As the registered person you're responsible for your vehicle and for meeting the requirements that allow you to drive legally on the road. This includes keeping it in safe condition, and paying the licensing fees and any traffic or parking infringements.
When a vehicle is taken off the road permanently, its registration needs to be cancelled.
If you have already sold your vehicle to a wrecker, then you need to let us know that you have sold it. It is then the wrecker's responsibility to cancel the vehicle's registration.
Let us know you’ve sold a vehicle
If you want to cancel the vehicle's registration before selling it to the wrecker, you will need to cancel the vehicle's registration at a registration agent and hand in the vehicle's number plates.
Find out where you can hand in your plates
If there are outstanding licensing (rego) fees owing on the vehicle, you will need to pay these after you have let us know you've sold it or when you cancel the registration.
More about cancelling a vehicle's registration
Most vehicles have to be continuously licensed, so if a vehicle's licence (rego) expires and isn't renewed the fees will be overdue.
More about continuous vehicle licensing
We send out vehicle licence invoices when fees are overdue and a vehicle is then sold or its registration cancelled. The person recorded as the registered person for the vehicle before it was sold or cancelled will need to pay the outstanding fees.
The fees on the vehicle licence invoice need to be paid within 14 days. If they're not paid within that time, they could be referred to a debt collection agency.
You can easily pay your vehicle licence invoice online: you just need your plate number, the invoice number and your customer number (at the top of the vehicle licence invoice).
Pay a vehicle licence invoice online(external link)
Otherwise if you can't pay online, you can call us on 0800 108 809 to pay by Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card.
Most vehicles must be licensed at all times. This means you need to keep your rego up-to-date.
If you let your rego expire and don’t renew it, you won’t be able to legally drive your vehicle on the road. You could be fined for not having a current licence, and after 12 months your vehicle’s registration will be cancelled.
When you do renew your rego, you will have to pay backdated rego fees right back until the date the last rego expired, as well as the fees for the next rego.
If you’re not going to be using your vehicle on the road for a while, you can put it on exemption so you don’t have to pay rego fees. There is a minimum period of three months for an exemption.
Put your vehicle licence (rego) on hold
There are a few vehicles that don’t have to be licensed all the time, such as agricultural tractors and ATVs. This means that they still have to have a current rego if you are using them on the road, but you can let the rego lapse if they are not going to be used on the road for a while. When you renew the rego, you won’t need to pay backdated fees.
Vehicles that don’t have to be continuously licensed
If you haven’t received an email confirmation of your rego renewal, you can check the current expiry date of the vehicle licence online.
Check your vehicle expiry date (rego and inspection)
If you're having trouble renewing your rego online, double-check you're entering the correct plate number and/or reminder number.
If you're having trouble with POLi (Payment Online) you can check out the FAQs on the POLi website for help. Your credit card statement will confirm payment has been submitted.
Frequently asked questions on the POLi website(external link)
If you've renewed your rego online AND updated your address online before 7pm on the same day, your label will be sent to your new address.
If you've renewed your rego online AND updated your address online after 7pm on the same day, your label will also be sent to your new address.
However, if you renewed your rego online before 7pm, BUT updated your address online after 7pm, you'll need to give us a call on 0800 108 809 or your label will be sent to your old address.
Update your address online now
If you’ve renewed online and your licence label hasn’t arrived within 14 working days, order a replacement online.
Order replacement motor vehicle and RUC labels(external link)
We recommend you update your address before you order the replacement label.
Update your address(external link)
A RUC invoice is sent when there is a difference between the end distance on the RUC licence that's been purchased and the vehicle's odometer reading when it is inspected (WoF or CoF).
For example, if a RUC licence has been purchased up to 38,000kms, but the vehicle's odometer reading is 48,000kms when it goes in for a WoF, an invoice can be issued for the difference (10,000kms).
If you have recently purchased RUC kilometres (after your latest WoF or CoF inspection and after the date of the invoice) these will be over and above the amount that you have been invoiced for.
To pay for the kilometres that were included in the invoice, you can pay by internet banking, call us on 0800 655 644 to pay by debit or credit card, or send us a cheque. You can't pay an invoice at an agent. You can find full payment instructions on the RUC invoice.