Call us

Contact centre Freephone number Calling from overseas (call charges will apply) Opening hours
Motor vehicle licensing and registrations 0800 108 809 +64 4 8303855 8am - 5.30pm Monday - Friday
Road user charges (RUC) 0800 655 644 +64 6 9536276 8am - 5.30pm Monday - Friday
Driver licensing 0800 822 422 +64 4 8303860 8am - 5.30pm Monday - Friday
Tolling 0800 40 20 20 +64 4 8303861 8am - 5.30pm Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm
Saturday and Sunday

Safety cameras

Safety cameras don't capture CCTV footage. If you want footage from our traffic cameras on state highways, you can request that online: 

Request traffic camera footage

0800 589 589 +64 4 8307820

8am - 4.30pm
Monday - Friday

State highways
For the latest highway information or to report issues impacting travel (open 24 hours every day)
(0800 44 44 49)
+64 6 9537007 Available 24/7
Motu Move 0800 66 77 88 - 8.30am to 5pm
Monday to Friday

Call recording privacy statement

New Zealand Relay Service (NZ Relay)(external link)