Making an Official Information Act request

The Official Information Act 1982 is designed to make government activities more open and transparent to the public. It has the following very important roles:

  • to make official information more freely available to the public and provide for proper access by each person to official information relating to that person;
  • to protect official information to the extent consistent with the public interest and the preservation of personal privacy; and
  • to establish procedures for the achievement of those purposes.

NZTA is committed to the principles of openness and public engagement and endeavours to make information available unless there is a good reason to withhold it. The OIA sets out a number of reasons for which information may be withheld. These reasons include preservation of personal privacy and protection of information which has been received in confidence. Where there is good reason for withholding it, information may still be released if there are overriding considerations which mean it is in the public interest to release particular information.

NZTA receives a large number of requests for information under the Official Information Act (OIA).

How the OIA operates (Office of the Ombudsman website)(external link)

Directory of Official Information (Ministry of Justice website)(external link)

Sources of information

Before making a request we encourage you to check out our sources of information below as you may find the information you need is already publicly available on our website:

How to make a request

To request traffic camera (CCTV) footage, complete our dedicated webform.

Request traffic camera footage

All other requests

Requests should include your name, your postal address or preferred email address, and specific details of the information you want.

Send your request to:


Official Correspondence Unit
NZ Transport Agency 
PO Box 6995
Wellington 6141

How we'll deal with your request

We'll acknowledge your request, usually within 24 hours, and respond no later than 20 working days after we receive it. Sometimes for large requests or those requiring consultation we'll seek an extension (the Act allows for a time limit extension). If so, we'll let you know and give you a specific due date.

We may seek further information from you if we feel your request isn't clear, or we may seek to refine your request if the scope is very broad.

As part of broader NZTA policy, all responses are considered for publication on our website. If your response is to be published, we'll advise you as part of our response to your request.

What our response will look like

We'll endeavour to respond to your request in your preferred manner. We'll respond by restating your request and answering every question asked. Any supporting documentation supplied will usually be an attachment in the fully searchable PDF format. However, supporting documentation can be provided in any format, such as Excel spreadsheet,  electronic or printed form.

In some cases, we may need to arrange for you to hear or view the information, provide you with an oral briefing, release a summary of the information or provide an excerpt or particular passage from the document.

Some documents may be provided to you with certain information deleted (‘redacted’).

If we aren't able to supply all the information requested or satisfy your request in full, we'll inform you in our response by referring you to the specific section of the Act and explain the reason why. For more information please refer to sections 6, 9 and 18 of the Official Information Act.

Official Information Act (external link)

If you're not happy with our response

If you haven't received a response by the due date or aren't satisfied with our response, you can complain to the Ombudsman.

Contact the Ombudsman(external link)