
No-passing advance-warning lines are used to warn drivers of an overtaking restriction immediately ahead. If practicable, the lines must be marked in advance of all no-passing lines, including those at traffic islands or traffic signals and must be not less than 100mm wide and consisting of a series of yellow dashes, each of which is not longer than 15m, to inform drivers of the existence of the no-passing line ahead.

Marking details are provided in Table 2‑17 and in typical layouts.

Typical layouts

Information on the use of RRPMs on no-passing advance-warning lines is provided below.

Table 2‑17: No-passing advance-warning lines marking details

Application Rural Urban
Colour Reflectorised yellow Reflectorised yellow
Width 100mm 100mm
Stripe 13m (5 stripes) 13m (3 stripes)
Gap 7m 7m
Location The advance-warning line should commence
  • 100m before the start of the no-passing line, to the left of the centre-line and so that each stripe spans from the start of one centre-line stripe to the far end of the next centre-line stripe.
The advance-warning line should commence:
  • 60m in advance of the no-passing line, to the left of the centre-line and so that each stripe spans from the start of one centre-line stripe to the far end of the next centre-line stripe.

Raised pavement markers

The arrangement of retroreflective raised pavement markers accompanying advance-warning and no-passing lines in urban and rural areas should use the retroreflective colours as described in Table 2‑18 and as illustrated in Figure 2‑11.

Table 2‑18

Figure 2‑11

In layouts where a dashed yellow line would warn of an approaching solid yellow line, markers in the dashed section should exhibit a yellow marker body with two-way two-colour, yellow and white retroreflective faces; Category G-Type-3YW markers (refer to raised pavement markers). The yellow face must present to traffic approaching the solid yellow centre-line as shown in Figure 2‑11.

Raised pavement markers

Table 2‑18: No-passing in both direction with advance-warning

No-passing with advance-warning
Two-way yellow One-way yellow Two-way yellow and white
Marker Body Colour
Y - Yellow
Marker Body Colour
Y – Yellow
Marker Body colour
Y – Yellow
Marker Category - G
Day/Night retroreflective
Marker Category - G
Day/Night retroreflective
Marker Category - G
Day/Night retroreflective
Retroreflective Class
Specify Class A, B or C
Retroreflective Class
Specify Class A, B or C
Retroreflective Class
Specify Class A, B or C
Marker Type - 2
Two-way one-colour
Marker Type - 1
One-way one-colour
Marker Type - 3
Two-way two-colour
Retroreflective Colour
Y – Yellow
Retroreflective Colour
Y – Yellow
Retroreflective Colour
Y – Yellow and W – White
Marker ID Code: G-B2-Y Marker ID Code: G-B1-Y Marker ID Code: G-B3-YW
Centrally between the yellow lines Centrally between every second centre-line dash Centrally between every alternative centre-line dash

Figure 2‑11: Two-lane roads, no-passing in both directions with advance-warning lines

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Raised median divided roads

No-passing lines are not applicable on raised median divided roads, apart from the approach to traffic islands, medians and physical hazards.

Approaches to traffic islands, medians and physical hazards

No-passing lines should be marked on the approaches to traffic islands, medians and physical hazards located within the roadway. These lines should terminate to the left side of traffic islands, medians and physical hazards. An exception to this is where tapered flush medians are marked (Table 2‑10).

Table 2‑10

Refer to features, structures and hazards on, beside or above the roadway for typical details of no-passing line markings in advance of raised traffic islands, physical hazards and medians.

Features, structures and hazards on, beside or above the roadway

Approaches to railway level crossings

Refer to TCD manual Part 9 for typical details of no-passing line markings on the approaches to railway level crossings.

TCD manual Part 9