Delineator posts can be attached to the road surface using a fixed base or can be attached to a continuous footing, which is ordinarily attached to the road surface. Using a continuous footing can be beneficial for longer installation lengths or for longer term solutions.

Delineator posts should:

  • if circular, be no less than 75mm wide when viewed from any direction (refer to Figure 2-30);
  • if a “T” shaped profile, have a primary approach face of no less than 75mm in width and reinforcing spine measurement no less than 55mm from the primary face (refer to Figure 2-30);
  • if of another shape, have a primary face that appears to approaching road users as being no less than 75mm and no less than 55mm when viewed from any other direction;

Figure 2‑30: Delineator post dimensions

Diagram which displays the dimensions of 75mm minimum for circular type delineator while for T type is 75mm minimum and 55mm minimum

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  • be frangible (being readily or easily broken), collapsible, or traversable to vehicles to not present a hazard themselves;
  • be capable of returning to their original shape after impact (unless dislodged from its base);
  • be yellow or white in colour to match the road marking colour on which the posts are installed or that is adjacent to the post installation; and
  • be 1000mm or less in height (800mm minimum).

In addition, the internal colour of hollow delineator posts should match the external colour to ensure they remain visible if knocked over.