In common with the posts themselves, when the fixing is placed upon the road marking and where it substantially covers that marking, the island / footing for the post should match the road marking colour. This principle extends to harmonising footing and post colours as illustrated in Figure 2‑29.

Figure 2‑29: Harmonised delineator post and footing colours, for illustrative purposes only

Yellow delineator post

It should be recognised by suppliers and users of these delineation devices that colour and luminance fades in direct sunlight. While this cannot be avoided when the device is in use, it may be good practice to store out of direct sunlight when not in use.

Users should be aware of device suitability for purpose at the time of use. Users should ensure that the colour and retroreflective performance is appropriate for the conditions, the retroreflective bands remain firmly affixed in position, and the device is clean of environmental soiling.